Wednesday, September 9, 2015

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

I don't talk about work much because once those 7.5 hours (and sometimes longer) of my day are over, I do my best to put it aside and forget about it until the next day arrives. However, I need to talk for just a moment about what I do for a living as it relates to prostate cancer.

I am the Chief Deputy Clerk to the Prince William Board of County Supervisors. You can call me "Chief". Just kidding. It sounds fancy but it's really not. Basically, the Clerk, my boss, and I run the County's elected board's legislative sessions which are usually held three times a month.  Most meetings have a Consent Agenda which include proclamations and commendations to be approved by the Board and they must be introduced by a Board member. I've been working in this position for over five years and recently realized when I was preparing the agenda for the September 8 Board meeting that prostate cancer has never been addressed. Just about every other cancer has been acknowledged but not the one that is most important to me.

This year, I'm very proud and pleased to say that Coles Magisterial District Supervisor Marty Nohe brought forth a resolution to proclaim September 2015 as Prostate Cancer Awareness Month in Prince William County!

At its Tuesday, September 8, 2015 afternoon legislative session, the Board of County Supervisors approved the resolution. I am thrilled to say that my friend, partner in crime on the Let's Talk Live segment, and Vice President of Marketing and Communications for ZERO, Colony Brown, proudly accepted the proclamation and spoke publicly at the Board meeting.

Click the link below to see the video clip.
(Be patient. There's some lead time.)

Not only was I honored to have Colony there but my parents were also in attendance for the proclamation presentation.

Proclaim – September 2015 – Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
WHEREAS, prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among American men and is the most commonly diagnosed; affecting one in seven men; and
WHEREAS, it is estimated that 220,800 men will be diagnosed in 2015. Currently, there are nearly 2.8 million American men living with the prostate cancer; roughly equal to the population of Chicago; and
WHEREAS, in 2015, 6,120 new prostate cancer cases and 670 deaths are projected for Virginia; both rates being higher than the projected U.S. average; and
WHEREAS, all men are at risk of developing prostate cancer but that risk increases significantly with age.  About one in 304 men younger than 49 years will be diagnosed. One in 44 men ages 50 to 59; one in 16 men ages 60 to 69; and one in nine men ages 70 and over will be diagnosed with prostate cancer; and
WHEREAS, it is recommended men should start discussing prostate cancer risk and testing options with their doctor in their 40s, earlier if they have additional risk factors which include family history, ethnicity, diet and exposure to defoliants such as Agent Orange; and
WHEREAS, 94% of men learn their diagnosis from an early detection test; and
WHEREAS, in addition to the importance of early detection, non-profit organizations at the forefront of this disease, such as ZERO-The End of Prostate Cancer, are crucial in leading the fight to end prostate cancer by advancing research, encouraging action, and providing education and direct support to men and their families;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Prince William Board of County Supervisors does hereby proclaim September 2015 as Prostate Cancer Awareness Month and urges all citizens to educate themselves on the importance of early detection and to show their support in finding a cure for prostate cancer during the month of September and throughout the year.

Corey A. Stewart

Some may say proclamations at the local level are a dime a dozen but it's about awareness to me. To my knowledge, Prince William County has never proclaimed September as Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. As I said from the beginning, this isn't about me. This is about my dad and all the other men who are battling this disease, are survivors, who have succumbed to this disease and who haven't even been diagnosed yet.

If I can be a part of bringing awareness, even a small little part, then I will gladly climb up on that pedestal and shout from the rooftops. Or in this case, I'll create the masterpiece behind the scenes and let someone else take all the credit.  Makes no difference to me because it's all about awareness and getting people educated and informed!

The number of men who should have to suffer from
prostate cancer?
There's no better time for you to help!
The 2015 annual campaign is still occurring and we're on the downward stretch toward the end of the year. Don't you need some tax write-offs? Wouldn't you like to make a donation to an incredible
non-profit? I have the best one right here.
Click the link below to easily make an online donation to ZERO and help men like my dad who have been battling this wretched disease for almost 20 years.
We thank you.

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