Sunday, January 24, 2016

Save the Date - Thursday, April 28, 2016!

Well, it's 24 days into 2016, I just survived a blizzard with 25 inches of snow here in Northern Virginia and it's time to start talking up the 2016 ZERO Run/Walk and the second annual Denny's Shotgun Riders Kick Cancer's Ass Fundraiser!

At this time last year, my dad's prostate cancer had reared its ugly head again and chemotherapy was about to begin. I was angry and at a loss for how to help. One night, I found a non-profit called ZERO online and I signed up for its Father's Day Run/Walk. All I knew was I needed to "do something". I had no idea this would end up being the start to a monumental year and would set fire to my passion.

Thanks to such generous people, and I suppose my relentless prodding, I am proud to say that I was the top fundraiser for the 2015 race at just over $12,000. $4,000 of that $12,000 was raised at my fundraiser that Arthur Lampros so graciously let me hold at his place of business, also known as my happy place, Winestyles of Montclair.

I am happy to say that Arthur has allowed me to continue the spectacular time we had last year and hold the second annual Denny's Shotgun Riders fundraiser at my happy place this year on Thursday, April 28 from 7 to 9pm.  You will NOT want to miss this event! We had over 80 people in attendance last year!

For those of you who don't know the origin of my team name, check out the post I wrote last year when I came up with the name:  It is my hope that the team I created last year will stay intact and that others will also join! I'll post the link on this blog for race registration as soon as it's on the ZERO website which should be before the end of January.  Thanks to Jason and Maurine for already committing to be part of the team again and helping to put an end to prostate cancer by supporting and honoring my dad.

I'm excited to say that I've already had commitments from many businesses and individuals for raffle and silent auction items for this year's fundraiser! Stay tuned to this blog for spotlight posts and all the details you need to know for the race and the fundraiser. Let's make this one the best yet!

For those of you who want info on ZERO, go to Not only has ZERO become part of my family but I have become a huge advocate for this national non-profit who is headquartered on King Street in Alexandria! If you want to make sure your donations go to a cancer organization who will use it wisely (and not like the big powerhouse cancer non-profits - you know who I'm talking about) then you can rest easy with ZERO. As passionate as I am, I would never attach my name to an organization I didn't believe in 100%. 97 cents of every dollar donated to ZERO goes to education and activities aimed at finding a cure for prostate cancer!

Are you a man? Then you are at risk for prostate cancer just by the pure fact that you are a man. Are there other factors that put you at risk? Well, of course there are but some of them you can't control. My dad is a good example. No doubt being subjected to Agent Orange in Vietnam is what caused his prostate cancer. If you're not a man, then you know a man. Prostate cancer affects our fathers, grandfathers, uncles, brothers, sons, cousins, boyfriends, partners, husbands and friends. It used to be considered an "old man's disease" but that couldn't be farther from the truth. My dad was only 47 when he was first diagnosed 20 years ago! My "South Carolina cousin" was diagnosed at an even younger age!!

ZERO is about putting an end to prostate cancer.
ZERO pain. ZERO suffering. ZERO cancer.

My friends at ZERO are working tirelessly every day to create Generation ZERO - the first generation of men free from prostate cancer. I am proud to be a part of that mission and pray that I see the day it comes true!

Stay tuned to this blog for updates on the race, the fundraiser and Dad's battle. For now, please mark your calendars for the evening of April 28. It's going to be an incredibly fun and powerful night!!

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