Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Chemo #4: Up go the prayers, down goes the PSA!

Last Thursday, April 23, was Chemo #4.  As always, Dad was ready to continue his journey of kicking cancer's ass!! His warrior spirit is infectious.

However, the best part of Chemo #4 was when Dad's oncologist happened to walk by while Dad was receiving treatment and popped in to tell Dad some quick good news.  Dad's blood work had come back and his PSA had dropped!! I'll never forget getting that text from Dad. His PSA has been doubling every four weeks since late last summer. Even after a few rounds of chemo, the PSA was still increasing although it had slowed down tremendously. Our hope was for it to plateau and then for it to start decreasing. By the grace of God and thanks to all of your prayers, not only did it decrease but it dropped monumentally - by almost 40 points!!!!

"We're getting the upper hand," Dad said. I told him we always do and it's just taking longer this time.  We believe everything happens for a reason but we don't always know what that reason is. Maybe it's because I wouldn't have found ZERO if his cancer didn't come back worse than ever this time. Or maybe it's like Dad said - to make him appreciate life more - like when he returned from Vietnam. A refresh if you will.

Whatever the reason, we are thankful that this poison called chemo is not coursing through my father's veins for nothing.
My friends, chemo is working!!

Thank you all for your prayers and please keep 'em coming!! This is far from over but we're finally gaining ground on this bitch called prostate cancer!

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