Monday, January 26, 2015

Get ready to bid!

I am excited about the response I've received already as far as businesses and individuals donating items for the silent auction and raffle portions of the fundraiser! I've decided to showcase a few of them on this blog so that you'll be able to know what is coming! The response has been overwhelming for me in such a fantastic way. There's still quite a bit of time left so I know there will be even more that are coming!
Some items will be part of a raffle where individuals buy tickets and then tickets are pulled at random. If your name is called you get the item that is up for raffle. Depending on how many I receive, we'll have a few of these throughout the evening.
Other items will be part of the silent auction. If you haven't been part of a silent auction before, they are super fun! You'll see the item displayed or details about the item if it's a gift certificate.  There will be a sign up sheet next to each item which includes the value of the item, the starting bid and slots for individuals to bid. When you are interested in an item, you write your name down with the amount of money you are willing to pay for it.  If you are the highest bidder when the silent auction closes, you win that item. You will be expected to pay for the item with the amount that you bid before we are able to give you the item. Keep in mind that the only payment form accepted will be cash and checks so have your wallets and pens ready!
I have already received quite a few items and been given commitments on receiving many others. I'm not giving up - full speed ahead. It's all about raising money for Denny's Shotgun Riders and helping to put an end to prostate cancer!
Stay tuned to this blog for spotlight posts on businesses and individuals who will be part of the silent auction and raffle! I cannot thank them enough for their generosity!

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