Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Don't underestimate fatigue

For years, decades even, when you hear the dreaded word "chemo" a few things automatically come to mind, right?  Oh no, he/she will lose his/her hair. Oh, poor thing, he/she will be throwing up all the time and nauseated 24/7.  Such a shame it's come to this, he/she will just go downhill now. Chemo is a death wish, right?


Don't misunderstand me. Those things definitely happen. I've seen those side effects with friends unfortunately. I've seen the worst outcome too. But with every one of those friends they haven't been in the best of health prior to their cancer diagnosis. That's where Dad is fortunate. He doesn't smoke. He doesn't have any other ailments or health concerns.  He's also an incredible patient and does everything he is "supposed" to do because he knows if he doesn't it will just make matters worse. It definitely isn't easy but he forces himself.

Before Dad started chemo, I told him not to worry about what the side effects MIGHT be. Wait and see how chemo affects his body and don't worry about what effects his friends have experienced because everyone is different! Dad is losing his hair. Honestly, not a big deal, especially for men. But it is a constant reminder to him that he has cancer. Dad, thankfully, has not been nauseated or throwing his guts up as everyone expects to happen with chemo. For close to a week after treatment, food doesn't taste right to him and that is really cruddy, especially when you love food as much as Dad and I do. However, eventually, his taste for food does return - usually just in time for the next round of chemo, though. :( Doesn't sound so bad......considering, right?


There is a chemo side effect that Dad does have that is absolutely miserable and borderline debilitating. Fatigue. Cancer-related fatigue. Oh, he's tired all the time, that's too bad. Uh, no. We're talking exhausted. We're talking chronic fatigue. For a man who never sat still to now be weak from walking from the kitchen to the living room is not just being tired. For a man who was always on the go to now having no energy for everyday things is frustrating. To be absolutely exhausted just sitting in a chair is depressing in itself.

Did you know cancer-related fatigue is the most common side effect of cancer treatment?  It affects between 7 and 9 out of every 10 people! Some people going through chemo have severe fatigue and claim it is the most disruptive side effect of all. My dad would be one of those "some".

So the next time you have a busy day at work or you stayed out too late the night before and you are tired, stop whining because you have no idea what being exhausted really means!  The other day I caught myself starting to complain because I was tired from a long day at work and was beginning to be overwhelmed with fundraiser preparations.  I quickly stopped complaining because I truly have nothing to complain about, especially when it's put into perspective. Try being a prostate cancer warrior and fighting for your life while also battling chronic fatigue. If you want to know what being exhausted really feels like, ask my dad. Get off your butt,  stop complaining and enjoy your life because in an instant it can completely change!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Chemo #4: Up go the prayers, down goes the PSA!

Last Thursday, April 23, was Chemo #4.  As always, Dad was ready to continue his journey of kicking cancer's ass!! His warrior spirit is infectious.

However, the best part of Chemo #4 was when Dad's oncologist happened to walk by while Dad was receiving treatment and popped in to tell Dad some quick good news.  Dad's blood work had come back and his PSA had dropped!! I'll never forget getting that text from Dad. His PSA has been doubling every four weeks since late last summer. Even after a few rounds of chemo, the PSA was still increasing although it had slowed down tremendously. Our hope was for it to plateau and then for it to start decreasing. By the grace of God and thanks to all of your prayers, not only did it decrease but it dropped monumentally - by almost 40 points!!!!

"We're getting the upper hand," Dad said. I told him we always do and it's just taking longer this time.  We believe everything happens for a reason but we don't always know what that reason is. Maybe it's because I wouldn't have found ZERO if his cancer didn't come back worse than ever this time. Or maybe it's like Dad said - to make him appreciate life more - like when he returned from Vietnam. A refresh if you will.

Whatever the reason, we are thankful that this poison called chemo is not coursing through my father's veins for nothing.
My friends, chemo is working!!

Thank you all for your prayers and please keep 'em coming!! This is far from over but we're finally gaining ground on this bitch called prostate cancer!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

10 things you need to know about the fundraiser

Important things all guests need to know about the fundraiser:
  1. If you have purchased a "ticket" in advance, you will receive a letter from me early this week with instructions. Please make sure to wear your wristband and bring your free drink ticket with you the night of the event. I will not provide extras. Wearing your wristband will enable you to gain entry without having to stand in line. Please be patient with my friends who have graciously agreed to volunteer as my "money collectors" and "greeters". 
  2.  For those of you who will be paying at the door on the night of the event, it will help move things along quicker if you have $26 in exact cash or if you have a check written out payable to "Valerie Moore".  You will need to sign in, provide payment and then receive you wristband and free drink ticket.  We appreciate your patience should there be a line when you arrive.
  3. Regardless of how or when you pay, you MUST wear your wristband at all times during the event. This is an indication - to me and to the wonderful Winestyles staff - that you have paid and are eligible for all of the event's perks. 
  4. Make sure to walk up to the bar/register area to redeem your "free drink" ticket for one glass of wine or beer of your choice. Winestyles staff will collect your ticket for accountability purposes. For wine drinkers, there will be a pre-selected assortment of white and red, sweet and dry wines for you to choose from for your one free glass. For beer drinkers, since there is a smaller selection, you are able to choose from any of the three on tap or any of the non-oversized bottles provided in the case near the French doors.
  5. If you were one of the first 50 people (couples) to pay for a ticket, then you are entitled to a gift bag. Gifts bags are courtesy of Nandos Peri Peri restaurant. Please find the gift bag with your name tag on it and make sure you take it home with you that evening.  Because 50 people haven't paid ahead of time, there are still a few left for those who are first in line the night of the event.
  6. Heavy hors'douvres will be provided for all guests right inside of the French doors on your left as you enter the wine bar. To save space, our food will be set up on the Giorgios restaurant side. Please keep in mind that Giorgios is still open for business and be courteous to those customers and wait staff.
  7. Tax and tip is included in your $26 entry fee but if you feel my friends at Winestyles have done a wonderful job of serving you at the event, please don't hesitate to give them a little extra. There is a tip jar at the wine counter by the register.
  8. If you haven't been to Winestyles, keep in mind that it's not a large place. Because it is in a strip mall, it also does not have an overabundance of parking.  Just make sure that you don't park illegally because just this week we saw a car being towed!
  9. For those of you who like to plan ahead, be sure to check out the post right before this one to see what raffle and silent auction items I have in store for you! I know there's quite a few that I'll be "going after"!
  10. Please dress comfortably. While there will be some seats, this is not a seated event. This also is not a pretentious "fancy-pants", black tie affair.  Come as you are and come ready to have fun, support my parents and raise some money for an incredible non-profit organization by way of the Denny's Shotgun Riders team!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Raffle & Silent Auction Items

In seven days, it will be "fundraiser day" and I couldn't be more excited (and maybe a tad bit anxious)! I am ecstatic to say that, as of yesterday, 43 people have signed up and paid for their entry in advance!! I cannot thank you all enough. While the deadline to purchase tickets early has ended, do not fret, because you'll be able to pay at the door the night of the fundraiser. I would suggest you come early because I have a lot of items and fun things in store! You won't want to miss a minute!

Keeping in mind how many raffle and silent auction items I have received, here is your chance to make the most of your time at the fundraiser because you have a head's up on what will be offered! (Yes, I'm one who loves to plan ahead!)

Remember, I can only accept cash and checks for the $26 admission fee and for raffle tickets and silent auction bid winners.  There is an ATM machine across the street from Winestyles for your convenience. However, keep in mind bottles of wine and additional glasses of wine/beer may be purchased with a credit card, if you prefer.)

RAFFLE ITEMS  (6 for $5 or 12 for $10)
Raffles will start to be randomly drawn as early as 8pm.

$25-$40 gift cards to the following restaurants, bakeries and eateries:
  • Okra’s Louisiana Bistro
  • Famous Dave’s BBQ                           
  • All American Steakhouse                
  • Nando’s Peri Peri (4 available)            
  • Bella Vita Italian Restaurant (3 available)             
  • Confections Cupcakery (2 available)
  • Caboose CafĂ©                                                 
  • Bittersweet Cafe                                      
  • Holy Cow Gourmet Burgers           
  • Pork Barrel BBQ                                            
Complimentary Wine Tasting tickets from the following wineries:
  • Paradise Springs    (4 tasting tickets for 2 people each)
  • Pearmund Cellars (2 tasting tickets for 2 people each)
  • Otium Cellars (1 tasting certificate for 4 people)
Assorted items
  • Handmade wine bottle wind chimes (4 available)
  • Handmade Harry Potter gift box
  • Hand-crocheted scarf basket
  • Set of 5 handmade thank-you cards
  • Handmade wine cork cufflinks (2 available)
  • Jon David Salon gift certificates (3 available)
  • Rodan and Fields gift certificate and mini facial
  • Glitz and Glam custom beads bracelet gift certificate
  • One-hour In-home relaxation massage gift certificate
  • Watercolor by local artist
  • Original signed and numbered solar plate etching by local artist
  • Virginia Wineopoly board game
  • Party Lite candle gift basket
  • Traditional red wine decanter
  • Wood-carved box with necklace and bracelet set
Silent Auction item bids will be closed between 8:45 and 9:00 p.m.
  • Certificate for a two-hour wine tasting at your location of choice courtesy of Keith Bevins, Certified Sommelier and owner of Corradi's Beverage Consulting, including five bottles of wine
  • Premier tasting and tour for 4 at Potomac Point Winery in Stafford
  • Certificate for a 30-minute one-on-one session with Sam Hatfield of Hatfields Gunsmithing of Manassas combined with a state of the art Milo Simulator System
  • Colonial Beach gift basket which includes a B&B stay, boat cruise, private guided winery tour/wine and cheese tasting and various eateries
  • Taste of Occoquan basket from various Town merchants which includes a gift certificate for an hour of art studio time
  • Gourmet wine basket including two bottles of wine, a picnic tote, two sets of glasses, and numerous assorted wine accessories
  • Nerium International basket of firming body contour cream and age-defying night cream
  • Framed artwork by a local artist
  • Date Night/Girls Night Package - gift certificate for dinner at an Alexandria restaurant and tickets (3rd row center) to the Little Theatre of Alexandria for two on Saturday, May 16
  • One-month unlimited membership at CrossFit Woodbridge
  • Private wine cellar tasting for 4 at Chateau O'Brien at Northpoint Winery in Markham with an additional two bottles of Northpoint Red to take home
  • Deluxe tasting package for 8 at Barrel Oak Winery in Delaplane plus $60 in winery credits redeemable for goods and services at the winery and 8 souvenir glasses
  • 30 minute guidance/tarot session with Barb Mallon, psychic medium
  • Bottle of Roundstone Rye Whisky and shot glass from Catoctin Creek Distillery in Purcellville
  • Handmade braided quilt
  • Weekend stay at a 1960s renovated bungalow in the Outer Banks of North Carolina
  • Certificate for a custom hand-painted pet portrait from Woof's Meow Art Studio
  • Overnight stay at Harmony Manor B&B in Washington, Virginia
  • Dogtopia Salon/Spa Package for your favorite furry four-legged friend
  • Heritage Brewing Company beer tasting and tour for 4
  • Dinner for 2 at McCormack's Big Whisky Grill

  • There will be random door prizes drawn and distributed throughout the evening!!

  • As mentioned in previous posts, there will be gift bags (donated by Nandos Peri Peri) given to the first 50 guests (1 per individual or 1 per couple). This number includes those who have paid in advance.

  • A local volunteer and baker, Vicki Pyne, has donated three dozen delicious "Cupcakes for the Cause" which will be displayed and sold for $1 each; all proceeds going to the Denny's Shotgun Riders team.

Don't forget to refer back to previous blog posts for information on the logistics of the fundraiser and also on specific businesses/items that will be available.

Thanks for your interest!  We can't wait to see you on April 30!



Wednesday, April 22, 2015

My anthem for Dad

I love music. All kinds of music. To me, good music stretches beyond genres.  From country to 70s disco to R&B soul, to swing/big band, to blues, to contemporary, to pop to gospel/Christian and even throw in some rap here and there. Depending on the mood I'm in, different types of music speaks to me in different ways. There are often artists that I enjoy no matter what song they sing. There are artists that speak to me when I never thought they would. Music is so powerful.

I am a huge fan of Matthew West and in fact, I am excited about seeing him in concert (a present to myself for surviving the fundraiser and a way to decompress) for the first time in just a short few weeks. Released in 2003, his song "More" was his first and most successful radio single to date. In 2004, it was the most played contemporary Christian song of the year; staying at number 1 for nine consecutive weeks.

"More" is a song in which I instantly always sing along. It has all the components of a radio-friendly song and you probably wouldn't even realize Matthew West was a contemporary Christian artist unless you were already aware.  Recently, though, I heard this song in a different way and instantly thought of my dad.

Take a look at the mountain
Stretching a mile high
Take a look at the ocean
Far as your eye can see
 and think of Me

Take a look at the desert
Do you feel like a grain of sand?
I am with you wherever
Where you go is where I am

And I'm always thinking of you
Take a look around you
I'm spelling it out one by one

I love you more than the sun
And the stars that I taught how to shine
You are mine, and you shine for me too
I love you yesterday and today
And tomorrow, I'll say it again and again
I love you more
Just a face in the city
Just a tear on a crowded street
But you are one in a million
 and you belong to Me

And I want you to know
That I'm not letting go
Even when you come undone

I love you more than the sun
And the stars that I taught how to shine
You are mine, and you shine for me too
I love you yesterday and today
And tomorrow, I'll say it again and again
I love you more

While the meaning of this song is about God's love for each and every one of us, it also resonated with me in a way that I felt as if I was singing it to my dad as he goes through this battle with prostate cancer yet again. This song is a happy reminder that we're never alone because of our faith in our Lord. I am taking it a step further and now making it my anthem for Dad.

While my dad is one of the strongest men I've ever known, he's still human. He gets frustrated. He gets discouraged. But no matter what happens, Dad, remember, that you're not going through this alone. You'll never go through anything alone as long as I am on this earth. I may not have created the sun and the stars but I love you more than those things. You may feel like a grain of sand on a huge beach but wherever you go is where I am; you're important to me. To others you may just be one tearful man on a crowded street but to me you are the only man on that street. I am always by your side and you'll never fight alone.  You gave me life. You gave me love. You gave me friendship. You gave me support. You gave me strength.  You gave me humility. You gave me hope.  The absolute least I can do is give it back to you in return. 

I love you more than the sun
And the stars that I taught how to shine
You are mine, and you shine for me too
I love you yesterday and today
And tomorrow, I'll say it again and again
I love you more

Calling all Harry Potter fans!!

Calling all Harry Potter fans!

In 1990, British author J.K. Rowling was on a crowded train from Manchester to London when the idea for Harry suddenly "fell into her head". "I had been writing almost continuously since the age of six but I had never been so excited about an idea before. I simply sat and thought, for four (delayed train) hours, and all the details bubbled up in my brain, and this scrawny, black-haired, bespectacled boy who did not know he was a wizard became more and more real to me," says Rowling.

Who knew that a series of seven fantasy novels would be written chronicling the adventures of this young wizard, Harry Potter, and his friends from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and the last four books would consecutively set records as the fastest-selling books in history!??  Since 1997, even with its (and because of its) dark tone, the books have gained immense popularity, critical acclaim and commercial success worldwide! As of 2013, the books had sold between 400-450 million copies making them one of the best selling book series in history! The final installment sold roughly 11 million copies in the U.S. within the first 24 hours of release!

In addition to the novels, Rowling sold the rights to the first four books to Warner Brothers. The first film was released in 2001 and the final installment in 2008. Harry Potter gained many beloved fans, both through the books and the movies, with his quest to overcome the Dark wizard, Lord Voldemort, who aims to become immortal, conquer the wizardry world, subjugate non-magical people, and destroy all those who stand in his way, especially Harry.

Thanks to my good (and very creative) friend, Sunday, there will be a fun and unique raffle item at the fundraiser! The contents of the Harry Potter gift box that she made include the following:

One Oak and Phoenix feather wand, with magical properties certificate
One (plastic) 'iron' cauldron (food safe)
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (book)
One Hogwartz abbreviated text book with potions
Potion ingredients (vinegar and baking soda), pumpkin pop rocks
One gold vial: Felix felices (glitter, do not eat)
One feather quill, ink, and parchment, small parchment book
One miniature dragon
One snitch locket
One Slithering locket
One snowy owl in a cage
One chocolate Nimbus 2000 broomstick
Two milk chocolate Frogs
"Bertie Botts" (Jelly Belly) beans

So if you are a Harry Potter fan, you'll definitely want to check this item out. Perhaps you have a friend, child or grandchild that is also a huge fan. This would make a one-of-a-kind gift!
Thanks again, Sunday, for being such an incredible friend and for all of the many items that you have so kindly donated to raise money in honor of my dad!
 "Nothing like a nighttime stroll to give you ideas." 
 ~J.K. Rowling, "The Egg and The Eye," Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire



Friday, April 17, 2015

It's time for us to DO SOMETHING!

It was late on Thursday night, January 15, 2015, and I couldn’t fall asleep. My mind was wandering and I was surfing the web when out of nowhere I came upon a non-profit named, ZERO – The End of Prostate Cancer.  I was immediately drawn to the “Find an Event” button and in a matter of seconds, I sent messages to my two best friends asking if they would be willing to walk in the 2015 Capital Area ZERO Prostate Cancer Run/Walk with me on Father’s Day.  That next morning, Friday, January 16, I officially signed up online and spent the next two days creating my “page” on ZERO’s event site.  On Sunday, January 18, I simply posted the link to my fundraising page on Facebook and within two hours I had already raised $610! I was ecstatic, humbled and motivated!

Next step was to create my team “Denny’s Shotgun Riders” and I immediately recruited my three favorite people. It still wasn't enough for me, though. The same evening in January that I first started fundraising, I also reached out to a good friend of mine who owns a local restaurant and wine bar to inquire about holding a fundraiser at his place of business in honor of my dad and to support my team. Within a week’s time, I had the fundraiser date scheduled, this blog created, and items donated for my silent auction and raffles from local businesses were quickly rolling in! To my delight, as of today, I have exceeded the $3,000 mark in funds and it continues to rise! I'm not satisfied though. I'm not finished. There's still so much work to be done.

Why was finding ZERO so important to me?  For years, I had wanted to conduct or participate in a “walk” in honor of my dad and to bring awareness to prostate cancer. For some reason or another, it just never came to fruition.  This was my sign. ZERO is what I had been looking for. Everything happens for a reason and in its own time.

Just as Dad's prostate cancer unexpectedly resurfaced and spread like wildfire, so did my relationship with ZERO.  Every day I am overwhelmed with their support and generosity. I am part of this incredible non-profit family now and there's no turning back. From providing me with items to include in the fundraiser gift bags to surprising me with a special Zero necklace to wanting to come to the fundraiser to show their support, my heart just continues to be full.

This week, I was humbled beyond belief and brought to tears of joy when the official press release for the 8th Annual ZERO Prostate Cancer Run/Walk of the Capital Area was released to all media outlets. Why, you ask? Well, keep reading.... the press release speaks for itself.




Washington, DC – Join ZERO – The End of Prostate Cancer on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 21 in Arlington, VA as we race to the finish for the Eighth Annual ZERO Prostate Cancer Run/Walk – Capital Area. The 4 mile run/walk is a part of ZERO’s annual Run/Walk series, which raises awareness and funds to end prostate cancer. This year, ZERO will bring the series to nearly 40 cities nationwide.

“Our family-friendly Run/Walk series invites our local partner network – which includes doctor offices, local charities, and corporate sponsors – to come together and help us take a huge step in the fight to create Generation ZERO – the first generation of men free from prostate cancer,” ZERO CEO Jamie Bearse said. “This series is a great chance for men, women, children, and families of all ages to increase awareness and raise funds to end a disease that affects one in seven fathers, husbands, brothers, sons, grandfathers, partners, and friends.”

New in 2015, Nashville recording artist and Baltimore local Jimmy Charles will be in attendance to perform his new song “Superman,” an anthem dedicated to cancer patients and survivors. The family-friendly event will also feature an after party with awards, food, and fun for the whole family.

In 2014 we added two exciting programs to the Run/Walk series, including the Kids Superhero Dash for Dad. Kids ages nine and under can take part in the Dash, where they will participate on race day in a short dash and at the finish line receive superhero capes. Kids are encouraged to dress as their favorite superhero to remind their heroes – Dad, Grandpa and other male role models – to take charge and remain invested in their health. Also back for the second year is the Snooze For Dudes program for those who are unable to participate on race day but would still like to help end prostate cancer by raising awareness and funds. 

The Run/Walk series brings our passion for making prostate cancer a national priority to local communities, encouraging those who wish to have a voice to raise awareness and speak out about the disease. For local resident Valerie Moore, the cause is personal. Val’s father, a Vietnam Veteran, was diagnosed with prostate cancer at age 47, and over the 19 years his cancer has been treated and returned five times. Each time he has fought with a vengeance, and after his most recent recurrence - when they discovered that his cancer had spread to the bone - Val decided to bring her dream of raising funds and awareness to fruition by participating in ZERO’s Run/Walk. To-date, she has exceeded her fundraising goal and is hosting a fundraiser at the end of the month to help raise additional funds for the cause, which is so close to her heart.

“As much as I would like to, I can’t make my dad’s cancer go away. I can’t go through this for him, but I can do my best to love and support him while arming myself with as much knowledge as I can, in order to make his life as happy and normal as possible,” said Moore. “Raising money for ZERO has allowed me to do my part to help men like my dad and families like ours battle this disease. I have far exceeded my fundraising expectations, but I’m not stopping here – this is just the beginning.”

For more information, visit

About ZERO — The End of Prostate Cancer (

ZERO - The End of Prostate Cancer is a national nonprofit organization with the mission to end prostate cancer. As a leader in the fight against prostate cancer, ZERO advances research, encourages action, and provides education and support to men and their families.  ZERO's premier programs include the ZERO Prostate Cancer Run/Walk, the largest men's health event series in America. We are a 501c3 charity recognized with four stars by Charity Navigator, a Better Business Bureau member, and 98 cents of every dollar donated goes to research and programs. For more information, visit

Dad read the press release and replied, "Wow you're famous."
The last thing this is about is me.
I am just willing and devoted to using my resources, my mind and my heart to get the word out there.
This isn't about me. This isn't about my name being on a press release.
This is about bringing awareness to prostate cancer and all the men who have been affected, who are battling, who have died, who haven't been diagnosed yet.
This is about raising money for a cure. This is about one number - zero.
This is about putting an end to prostate cancer.
This is about - and for - you, Dad!
I was driving to work yesterday and heard one of my favorite artists, Matthew West, singing his song, "Do Something". It's not the first time I've heard it but it is the first time it's affected me so deeply. As I was singing along, I heard these particular lyrics and they moved in a way they never had before:
"So, I shook my fist at Heaven and said "God, why don't you do something?"
He said, "I did, I created you!"
If not us, then who
If not me and you
Right now, it's time for us to do something.
If not now, then when
Will we see an end to all this pain
It's not enough to do nothing.
It's time for us to do something."
It's time to do something!! I feel as if I finally am doing something with Dad as my driving force and ZERO as my vehicle!  It will never be enough but it sure is better than nothing!
Please join me as a Denny's Shotgun Rider in the fight to end prostate cancer!
It's time for us to DO SOMETHING!!
Two weeks yesterday is the fundraiser and I'd love to see you there!
Donations are still graciously accepted on my ZERO site as well.
 I thank all the wonderful people at ZERO for all of their hard work and for allowing me to be a part of their family!


Monday, April 13, 2015

Beer, skincare and CrossFit

Normally you wouldn't think these three things would have anything in common.
However, thanks to generous donations, I am pleased to say their one commonality is being represented at the Denny's Shotgun Riders fundraiser!


Established in 2013, Heritage is a veteran-owned and operated microbrewery in Old Town Manassas. As veterans and patriots, Heritage finds that they owe it to their patrons to only produce the finest beer made with the best ingredients with the same level of attention to detail and passion that they brought to serving our country.
Sean, the owner, and his crew spent hours on end thinking of ways to recycle, reuse and reduce their footprint. Responsibility, ingenuity, quality, efficiency, community cultivation, dedication and American spirit make up the core values and culture of what drives Heritage Brewing Co. Sean, a hands-on production owner, believes in consistency being key, being creative with new tastes and ideas and, most importantly, he believes in making beer that is "good for you and approachable".
Heritage has a beer for everyone - a malted barley, a hop-rich pale ale, an amber, a honey ginger wheat, a spiced imperial winter ale, and a bold, smooth stout to name a few. Sean is even known to throw something awesome together on any given weekend as a surprise new concoction! If you are new to the world of beer or if you're a seasoned pro, you’re guaranteed to find something incredible at Heritage.
Heritage's Flagship beers, shown below, are each crafted with a specific theme:
Freedom Isn't Free IPA - It is paid for with the tolls of heroes past and present, it is the backbone that our nation has held to since its inception and it is the air that we breathe and the dreams that we chase. This IPA is our representation of the powerful American hopped pales that we all love and cherish. As we cherish the freedom we hold dear to us, let us rise our pints to those who have paid for it and those who still protect it. God bless the USA.
Make sure to check out the website for the other stories of Heritage's Flagship beers as well as the other exciting things they create such as seasonal brews, limited series beer, experimentals and my favorite, oak-aged beers! Yes, my friends, I finally found a beer that I can not only fathom but that I LOVE. Kings Mountain, aged in oak whiskey barrels (and sold in a wine bottle!), made an instant fan out of this girl!

"It is worth the extra effort to pay a little more, make a little less and put a whole lot of elbow grease into things to make a better product. A better product that not only tastes great, but is also made in a responsible and sustainable way. We use 100% organic 2-Row in all of our beers and each of our beers is comprised of at least 90% organic ingredients. No genetic modification, no pesticides, no BS just great beer." - Sean Arroyo

A heartfelt thanks to Sean and everyone at Heritage for their service and all that they continue to do in celebrating veterans. My dad being a Vietnam War vet gives me an even deeper connection to this brewery and I am pleased to have them represented at the fundraiser!

Rodan + Fields® Dermatologists is changing skin and changing lives by partnering with independent business owners across the United States to redefine the future of aging. Founded by world-renowned dermatologists Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields, the creators of Proactiv® Solution, Rodan + Fields' patent-pending MACRO Exfoliator™ and AMP MD™ System make real results possible at home without injections or other invasive procedures.

Dr. Rodan and Dr. Fields founded Rodan + Fields® Dermatologists in 2002 to extend their vision of bringing dermatology-based skin treatment to everyone. Originally available as a top-selling clinical skincare brand in high-end department stores, the company realized the doctors’ vision could never be fully realized when confined to the department store counter. In an unprecedented move, Rodan + Fields became the first prestige skincare line to exit the department store for the world of direct selling. Today, there are numerous Rodan + Fields independent business owners experiencing the income associated with sales volume that far exceeds what leading department store chains were able to achieve.

Rumor has it that Rodan + Fields is the anti-aging skin care company to watch and fortunate for us, my friend, Kelly, is an independent consultant and has donated services to Denny's Shotgun Riders! 

Did you know that sleeping on your back is something you should train yourself to do because over time a nightly face plant onto your pillow will cause sleep creases that will become permanently etched into your skin!??  Find out that and more from Kelly on her website at

It was Kelly's fundraiser, representing the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in honor of her aunt, at Winestyles a few years ago that inspired me to have mine in the same fashion!! I know she'll be cheering me on in spirit from Nebraska and I thank her so much for her donations!

Tired of the same old fitness routine? Fed up with gyms that make you feel like you're walking into a nightclub and that people are constantly judging you? Not getting results you want and feel like you just can't do it anymore? Then you should try CrossFit!

CrossFit is the primary fitness program for military, law enforcement, firefighters and first responders. But that doesn't mean that you have to have one of those occupations to join CrossFit! CrossFit programs are developed for scalability and allow people of ANY fitness level and experience to participate.  Everyone – adults, kids and teens alike – follows the same general program, simply modifying load and intensity based on individual ability.
You won’t find treadmills, stationary weight machines or mirrors in this gym. Instead, you’ll have pull-up bars, barbells, kettlebells and wide-open spaces for squatting, running, jumping, climbing, lifting and throwing. Crossfit Woodbridge workouts are comprised of exercises that mimic everyday movements and situations with a different WOD (workout of the day) to keep your body fit and your mind engaged!
JasonAt CFW you will find coaches who are CrossFit-certified and also avid CrossFitters themselves! The coaches provide clients with consistent, tangible feedback on their progress and listen to their individual concerns and needs. CFW is a positive place where individuals cannot only train, but learn about all aspects of fitness and nutrition and find a sense of belonging. Hard work, dedication and integrity are the pillars of the CrossFit Woodbridge program!
Denny's Shotgun Riders is even fortunate enough to have a CrossFit Woodbridge coach on its team!! If you have any questions about this incredible fitness program, you'll have to make sure to bend Jason's ear at the fundraiser. But don't bend it too much because he'll also be playing "bouncer" that evening! Just kidding..... maybe.
Many thanks to Dan Broughton, owner of CFW, for his generous donation to Denny's Shotgun Riders!!


Beer, skincare and CrossFit.
I can't say I ever envisioned putting those three things together but you know what?
I couldn't be more pleased to be able to do so!
Get your dollars and checkbooks ready, people!! We only have 17 days left until the big night!
Oh yeah, and have you bought your advanced ticket yet?
There's still time to do so. What are you waiting for?
See you soon!
Did you know that prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men?
Knowledge is power. If you are or someone you know is diagnosed with prostate cancer, learn everything you can about your diagnosis! Visit


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Things you need to know about the fundraiser!

Tickets to the Fundraiser

First of all, a big thank you to those who have signed up in advance and paid for their "ticket" to the April 30 fundraiser!  As a result, you will be able to bypass the line to get in to the event.  Be on the look out for a letter from me a week before the event with details, your wristband and your drink ticket.
For those of you who haven't signed up and paid for your "ticket" in advance, but are planning to, please do not hesitate!  The cutoff for advance purchase will be Thursday, April 23. Please contact me at to make arrangements for payment to ensure your hassle-free entry the night of the event!

For those of you who haven't signed up and paid for your "ticket" yet, why haven't you?  Oh wait, you are one of those few people who enjoy standing in line and wasting your time. I get it. (Insert sarcasm here).

It is greatly appreciated and highly recommended to pay in advance. The Winestyles staff and I are extremely thankful because it helps us tremendously in regard to preparation and planning purposes.

Gift Bags
The first 50 people to purchase tickets (those of you who signed up in advance are already part of that 50) will receive a gift bag (one per person or one per couple if you are a couple) courtesy of Nandos Peri Peri Restaurant.

Raffle Tickets
Raffle tickets will be sold at the event - 6 for $5 or 12 for $10.  I will be walking around throughout the evening selling raffle tickets or you can find my mom who will also be selling raffle tickets. I suggest you buy them early and often because we have a ton of great items and a limited time in which to promote them.

Silent Auction Items
Silent Auction items will be displayed throughout Winestyles that evening and you will need to peruse the items and then make bids on the ones you are interested in. Believe me, there are a ton of fantastic items! In fact, I will be donating a lot of my own personal money that night for some of these items! The physical items that are up for auction (such as, but not limited to, a handmade quilt and various gift baskets) will be displayed. Where a gift certificate/card for services is being auctioned, you will not see the actual gift certificate/card displayed. The highest bidder which will be the winner of that auction will be given the gift certificate/card once the auction has closed.  Rest assured, I will have all of the items on the premises but to save space, they will not be displayed. Where applicable, a short description of what you are bidding on will be presented with the silent auction sign up sheet. Again, please remember, I am only able to accept cash and checks for the items at the fundraiser.  You also must be present to win.

Blog Posts
As the event gets closer, I have not been able to post as much as I have in the past and I apologize but there is much to be done to make this fundraiser successful and fun for all attendees! Please make sure to check back at prior blog posts because I will update them where warranted. For example, the restaurants and winery blog posts have been updated as new establishments have made donations. The spotlight posts are just little teasers for you - they are nowhere near inclusive of all that I have for the evening.

Thank You
While I have unfortunately not been able to spotlight every individual/business who has donated items for the fundraiser, I want you all to know that we have an incredible array of items that have come in and are continuing to come in. Remember to those of you who have promised and owe me items - they are due to me by April 15. I have made special accommodations for a few of you and you know who you are. I appreciate you adhering to this deadline because I have much more to prepare once I have your items in my possession.
At this point in time, I am happy to announce that I have heard from approximately 70 people who plan to attend and/or have bought a ticket in advance. I know that there are even more of you who have not personally told me you're coming but are planning to and I am so grateful!
 My heart is overwhelmed with such joy!
Thank you all!

Let’s strive to declare one number above all others – ZERO!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Bombs away! Chemo #3

I wish I had the strength of my dad. I'd be happy with just an ounce of it.
He never ceases to amaze me.
Yesterday, the morning of his third round of chemo, he texted me:
"Getting ready for round three of the bombing of cancer cells! Bombs away!"
Everyone tells him to stay positive, be strong, have faith. We appreciate all of those sentiments but the ironic thing is no one needs to tell him! He's never wavered in his faith or his strength. Ever.
We've always known that attitude is half the battle and, for the last 19 years, his attitude has been nothing but positive. There are days that I wonder how he does it. I remember a few years ago when the cancer came back he said, "It's just a bump in the road. We'll get over it." We did.  At the time of another recurrence he said, " I'm not going anywhere. God's not done with me yet!"  He wasn't.
Each time, he's kicked cancer's ass and there's no reason to believe that he won't do it again.
Everyone is scared and gets all "gloom and doom" when they hear the word "chemo".
No one ever wants to have to take chemo; me included.
It's not like you raise your hand with excitement and say, "Oooh! Pick me! I wanna do it!"
But it also isn't the end of the world..... as we are realizing now.
I remember in the past Dad was terrified of having to take chemo and with each recurrence of this bitch called cancer, we were all relieved that there were plenty of other options before chemo.  ("We're not going to kill an ant with a sledgehammer," said the incredible Dr. Katcher.) However, after the pain that Dad endured starting last Fall, chemo was all of a sudden not such a fateful option. In fact, I remember in December when Dad told me if chemo would help take his pain away he wanted to start right away. Yep, the pain was THAT bad. He was taking two oxycodone every 3-4 hours and sometimes that was barely even dulling the pain. Plus oxycodone on its own will make you feel nasty and useless.

Since starting chemo, his pain has decreased tremendously - he's now only taking one oxy every 8-12 hours and usually on the higher end of that range; often just 1 or 2 in a 24-hour period!! I can't begin to explain how incredible this is! It was absolutely devastating for me and Mom to see him in miserable pain for so long and not being able to do anything to help him.

Yes, chemo is making him lose his hair (but it was thin anyway, bald men are sexy and he loves baseball caps).
Yes, he's extremely fatigued and weak (but it gets a little better a week or so after chemo).
Yes, he can usually smell food but can't really taste it (but that comes back a week or so after chemo).
Yes, he can't drink wine five days before or five days after chemo and even when he does it has to be at a minimum (but I'm drinking for him and also purchasing awesome bottles and cellaring them to share with him when cancer's ass is kicked again).
Dad is an incredible patient. He does what medical professionals tell him (and what his inquisitive and research-crazy daughter tells him). We will do the best we can with what we've got and turn the rest over to God. We will worry about what we can control and let the rest happen according to His plan. It's not always easy but it has worked so far! It's what faith is all about!
Now is not the time to question.
Chemo #3 went well. It's always a long day - anywhere between two and five hours. Then the next day is an injection.  But it's a routine now. He's feeling good so far today and we'll take it. We take each day as it comes now.  It would be easy to throw a temper tantrum and scream, "It's just not fair!" or "Why is this happening!?" (and don't think I don't do that sometimes!)
 But what good would it do? Absolutely none.
At the age of 17, Dad was drafted and sent to Vietnam as part of the 1st Air Cav to fight in a senseless war. On Friday, March the 13th, he was wounded in combat (received a Purple Heart/Combat Infantry Badge) and fortunately didn't succumb to his wounds as many of his fellow soldiers did. While recuperating from his wound, he was fortunate enough to find the 1st Cav Band rehearsing nearby and went to listen. After their rehearsal, Dad got to audition for the band and then drummed his way right out of the Infantry and into the Army Band! Everything happens for a reason.
 While Vietnam was a senseless war (don't get me started on that topic), if Dad had not been wounded, he wouldn't have found the band and he and my mom also wouldn't have been able to live in Germany and experience the places and culture they did as a result. Everyone fears Friday the 13th, but for my dad it was a lucky day. Or was it?  I like to think it wasn't mere coincidence but it was all part of a bigger plan.
There is no doubt in my mind that Dad's prostate cancer is a result of Agent Orange. No one will ever convince me otherwise. Is this part of God's plan also? It must be. Eventually, we'll understand why, but right now that's still a huge question looming on our minds and hearts.
In the meantime, we will keep plugging along. Dad is a fighter. He always has been - in mind, body and spirit. If he can survive Vietnam as a young man, he definitely isn't going to let cancer take him down now.
One thing is for certain.
He will never have to fight alone.

This world has nothing for me.
This life is not my own.
I know you go before me and I am not alone.
This mountain rises higher.
The way seems so unclear.
But I know that you go with me so I will never fear.
I will trust in you.
What ever will come our way -through fire or pouring rain, we won't be shaken.
No, we won't be shaken.
What ever tomorrow brings, together we'll rise and sing that we won't be shaken.
No, we won't be shaken.
We will trust in you.
We will not be moved.
We will trust in you and we won't be shaken.
- Building 29

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Official Fundraiser Flyer


Did you know prostate cancer strikes nearly 240,000 men each year and kills nearly 30,000 others?  These men are our fathers, grandfathers, uncles, husbands, cousins, brothers, neighbors, coworkers and friends. Unfortunately, prostate cancer has struck many men in my life, but the toughest of all is when it struck the most important man in my world - my dad!

Thursday, April 30


of Montclair
(4394 Kevin Walker Drive)

for a fundraiser to support

Val Moore and the Denny’s Shotgun Riders Team in the


$26 (tax and tip included) gets you one glass of wine/beer and access to an amazing spread of heavy hors d'oeuvres, with almost half of the price benefitting the team!

$1 of every additional glass of wine and $5 of every bottle purchased will also benefit the team!

A raffle and silent auction will be conducted with items from restaurants, bed and breakfasts, wineries, artists, photographers, breweries, and many more exciting establishments!

Purchasing tickets in advance is highly recommended and greatly appreciated but not required.

Please contact to sign-up.  

Cash and personal checks are accepted. Sorry, no credit cards.

Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you!


Let’s strive to declare one number above all others – ZERO!