Thursday, May 7, 2015

Fundraiser - one and done!

One week ago today, on Thursday, April 30, the Denny's Shotgun Riders fundraiser was held at Winestyles of Montclair and was a huge success!  (It has taken me a week to recover and I'm still on the mend.)
 Since mid-January, I had worked tirelessly to pull this event off - from begging businesses and individuals for donations..... to creating marketing flyers and inundating people with multiple typing up silent auction item sheets and raffle bag labels..... to chasing people down for their donated items when the deadline was approaching.... to analyzing every detail of the setup and then changing it..... to hoping and praying that this would all culminate in not only a monetary success but a fun event for all who attended
While there are so many people to thank, I first need to thank my core crew - my parents, Maurine and Jason. Without them putting up with my constant frantic texts and conversations during states of angst and impatience, I don't know what I would have done. Without Maurine's invaluable basket packaging skills, I don't know how half of the items would have been prepared (or at least looked presentable and bid worthy!) Without Mom and Dad creating all of the raffle bags, I would not have had enough time to handle other important preparatory tasks. Without Jason securing donations and talking me off the ledge at any given moment, I would have pulled the plug on the event a month or so ago. While I appreciate all of the kudos received, these four individuals are the only ones who truly were by my side from start to finish and know the tireless dedication, commitment and blood, sweat and tears that I put into this fundraiser.
With that being said, I would do it all over again for one reason and one reason only......
My dad.
Leading up to the event, I wasn't sure he was going to feel well enough to attend. While I didn't depend on him being there, I hoped with all of my heart that he would be there.  A few hours before the event, I held my breath and asked, fearful of what the answer would be...... He was coming!
Thanks to my incredible cousins Dave and Karen, who came up from North Carolina just for the event, I had an extra set of hands to set up/help out the entire night and Dad had personal chauffeur!
While this night went off without a hitch and I had an amazing total of 72 people attend, it wouldn't have been the same without Dad. Having him there made it all worth it to me. I know he wasn't feeling well but as always he was a trooper. I also know that while he physically may not have felt his best, seeing and knowing a room full of people were there to support him made his heart and soul feel more than healthy.

From spending time with old friends....

to making new ones....
 .... to reuniting the best ones....
.... to seeing transformations...... uniting "happy place" family with blood family.... networking my ZERO and Nandos friends..... soul sisters.

As I mentioned during my welcome and encouragement speech at the fundraiser....
That night was about bringing awareness to prostate cancer and to honor of all the men who have been affected, who are battling this disease, who are survivors (like my dad), who have unfortunately, lost their lives to this disease, and also those who are about to be diagnosed and don’t know it yet. 
That night was about raising money for a cure.
That night was about about one number – zero.
That night was about doing what we can to put an end to prostate cancer. 
Selfishly, for me, that night was also about my Dad – who is a five-time prostate cancer survivor.
That night was about showing him we love and support him.
That night was also about letting my Dad know he never has to fight alone..... because everyone there was standing right by his side – riding shotgun with him.

Thank you to everyone who came to the Denny's Shotgun Riders fundraiser!! It wouldn't have been a success without you! Most importantly, your support for my dad meant more to my parents and me than I could ever express!
While the fundraiser is over, it's not too late to donate!
 I told you, I'm not stopping!!
Plus, I remember many of you who said, since you couldn't make it to the fundraiser, you would definitely make a donation.
Now's the time!!
The ZERO race/walk that Denny's Shotgun riders will be participating in is on June 21. Ninety-eight cents of every dollar that you donate to ZERO goes to programs and activities! T
he money you donate through me to ZERO truly DOES make a difference!
Please click the link below to make a donation.

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