Saturday, June 13, 2015

Humbled, honored and in awe

I'm selfish when it comes to my parents. I want what's best for them because they have always provided the best for me. I will stop at nothing to protect them and to keep them healthy and happy. They are my best friends in life and I truly can't imagine a day without them.

When Dad's cancer came back for the fifth time - and with a vengeance - I couldn't just sit around and watch. I had to do something but I didn't know what to do.

Support him? Of course, but that wasn't anything new.
Love him? Well, yeah, but that's like breathing.
Go to doctor appointments with him? No brainer.
Research and learn everything I could about his cancer? Been there, done that and won't stop.

But that wasn't enough. I NEEDED to do more. I needed to feel as if I was helping and was a part of something bigger than me.

Then one night I found ZERO

Little did I know that late night in January would become the beginning of something powerful and the start of a lifelong relationship in which to fuel my passion.

As more and more accomplishments occur, I remain humbled, honored and in sheer awe:
  • Meeting my goal of $1900 within just a few weeks
  • Receiving generous donations of items from businesses and individuals without hesitation for my fundraiser
  • Holding a successful fundraiser with 72 people in attendance and raising almost $4,000
  • Being the only race participant quoted in the official press release for the Zero 2015 Run/Walk DC
  • Having the CEO of ZERO  call me directly and ask me how Dad was doing and give me advice on certain drugs for him to try
  • the National Fundraising Manager asking if it was ok if she came to my fundraiser to lend support and then becoming one of the sweetest people I've ever met and feeling as if she's always been a part of our world
  • Being featured in the ZeroHour Newsletter - May 2015
  • Being asked to speak at the ZERO 2015 Run/Walk DC
  • Having friends and coworkers who didn't hesitate when I made pleas for donations to reach new goals. At 5pm on June 11, I made a plea to reach $8,000 by race day, June 21. In less than 18 hours, Denny's Shotgun Riders surpassed that $8,000 goal ($7,899 of which I have raised).
  • Being asked to share Dad's story and why this cause and ZERO are so important to me on News Channel 8 "Let's Talk Live" (6/15/15 at 11am)
When people tell me they are proud of me, my first reaction is to blurt out, "This isn't about me. This is about Dad."  I'm not doing any of this for the accolades. I'm just thrilled that it's working and I am being used as a vehicle to promote awareness for prostate cancer.  I had no idea I would become as involved and active in ZERO like I have but this is just the start. All of this has been aimed toward the Father's Day race but once this race is over I'm not hanging up my ZERO hat. In fact, one of the best things that ever happened to me was finding ZERO and the genuine, down-to-earth staff that I have come to know. I have finally found a place where I can volunteer and make a difference. ZERO has allowed me to keep my sanity in a time when I could easily get caught up in that vicious downward spiral of emotion.

When Dad was first diagnosed, my parents and I were in shock and terrified. We didn't have a resource like ZERO. Now, 19 years later, Dad's cancer has come back ten fold and I feel as if I am armed with so much more knowledge. I may not have had ZERO when cancer first reared its ugly head, but I have them now and I'll never let them go. My hope is that I can use my knowledge, experience and compassion to not only bring awareness to prostate cancer, but to help put an end to this relentless disease and help families who have been affected realize they are not alone.

Thank you, God, for bringing ZERO into my life, for allowing me to be successful in my plight thus far and most of all, for allowing chemo to not only be a treatment option for Dad, but an option that is working! While the race will be over in eight days, my tireless dedication and devotion will never cease.

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