Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Meet the Team

Each member of Denny's Shotgun Riders has made a commitment to help put an end to prostate cancer and to support my dad, Denny! By "riding shotgun" with Denny, we assure that he will never have to fight alone!  Since I've been talking about this team since January and the race is this Sunday, I thought it's way past time for you to virtually meet each one of these fantastic people through my eyes!

Val Moore - Team Captain
Ya'll know me already! I'm the batshit passionate one who started this plight six months ago and isn't about to stop! I'm also the luckiest girl in the world to call this guy we're racing for my dad!
Denny and Linda Moore
These two are my role models in life, my best friends, the parents every girl dreams of and the two most important people in my life who also hold the key to my heart!
Maurine Wood

While Maurine was one of the first two people I asked to participate in this walk with me and has  quickly became one of my best friends over the last two years, she is also participating in honor of her father, who suffered from prostate cancer in the latter years of his life. Although her father did not succumb to this disease, he worried about it constantly before he passed in 2008. "Denny Moore is a wonderful, caring person and I have spent some wonderful times with the Moore family at their beach house, concerts, and "happy place” enjoying the pleasure of their company, along with great food, wine, and music. I am honored to be a part of their “family." I don't know what we'd do without you, Red!
Gloria Sitton
I met my soul sister about 10 years ago when I worked in Shitty Hall, I mean Alexandria City Hall.  We instantly became friends and Gloria became the sister I never had. Her family instantly accepted me and became my South Carolina family just as she instantly became a part of mine. She always knows exactly what to say at all the right times to make me feel better and I truly don't know what I'd do without her! While Gloria was one of the first two people I asked to join the team, she unfortunately will not be able to join us on race day and has written the following message to share:
"My favorite “Denny Moore Memory” is one Saturday me and my VA family went visiting wineries.  Now, Dad Moore is the life of the party and he was encouraging me to drink up.  Next thing I know, I had tasted twelve different wines and I was done because I am a lightweight.  But it never occurred to me that I was doing too much because Dad Moore kept us laughing and smiling the whole day.  (Val remember he rode the traffic circle like European vacation—LOL - drove Mom Moore bananas). I will always stand up and speak life for Dad Moore—cause he gives life to everyone who meets him.  I am missing the race because I am going to SC to see my dad, who is also battling prostate cancer.   Cancer is no fun! But with organizations like Zero - The End of Prostate Cancer, my dad and Dad Moore, will be not only survivors but conquerors over this disease. 
I’m riding shotgun in SC, y’all! --Gloria"

Jason Crawford

I met Jason by chance (or was it?) in September 2014 and it didn't take long for him to become a very special and important part of my life. While he hasn't known my parents for long, he instantly accepted them and brought a sense of calm, generosity and goodness to our lives. My favorite guy is someone I know I can always count on and I am so very grateful to have him in my life. No one but Jason has been able to "remedy my crazy" with such ease! Jason is a Crossfit coach and will be one of the admirable (or maybe, insane) ones in my mind who's running the four miles on Sunday. Jason didn't hesitate to join the team and it's a true blessing to have him by my side in this crazy world.
Jeff Stamp and Amelia Stamp
I met Jeff about a year or so ago at a going away party at my happy place for our Korean intern buddy, Jack, who worked in the County's Budget Office. I knew of Jeff through mutual friends but it wasn't until this night that I actually met him and was able to spend time with him. Jeff has an enormous God-fearing, heart of gold and is so very easy to talk to. He has accomplished so much in a short amount of time when it comes to becoming healthy and I admire that he's not only doing it to better himself but he's doing it for his family. Jeff unfortunately lost his dad at a young age, and he wants to make sure that his two precious kids don't lose their dad. His adorable daughter, Amelia, has joined the team and will follow in Dad's footsteps by participating in the ZERO Kids Superhero Dash for Dad! Jeff is a Tough Mudder competitor and a runner so look out, people. He's got his eye on the prize. I am so fortunate to call him my friend and a member of our team.
 Alison and Phil Patton
Alison and Phil Patton are one of my all-time favorite couples. I met Phil at my happy place when Alison was overseas. We spent many nights at Winestyles and at the Dale City Moose Lodge for seafood nights with my parents. I joke that Phil quickly became "the brother I never wanted" when in reality, I absolutely adore this guy. Best part, though? When Alison came home and I got to see how amazing she is as well. It was heartbreaking when they got transferred to Germany but it wasn't long and they were back in Montclair where they belong!  No matter what mood I'm in, this couple always seems to make me smile and I am so grateful they joined the team!
Mary Anne Schwartz

I am so excited about Mary Anne joining us on Sunday! She and I met a few years ago at my happy place but the one moment I really remember is at the Halloween party. I was Harley Quinn and she showed up in a t-shirt that said "This is my Zombie costume." I hate Halloween and this was the first time since I was a kid that I dressed up in costume and "celebrated". I was coerced by my friend who was the Joker and I did have a kick-ass costume so why not? Mary Anne and I hit it off immediately and I told her she was my "Poison Ivy" (another Batman reference).  From that moment on, we were fast friends.  While I don't see Mary Anne nearly enough, we always have an incredibly fun time whenever we are together and end up laughing until we hurt! This crazy girl ran a wine race a few years ago and she didn't think twice about signing up to join us to support my dad on Father's Day! 
Melissa and Brian O'Neil
Melissa and Brian are neighbors of Maurine's and I feel as if I know them through her. However, I have only been around Melissa twice and Brian once. Melissa is a two-time breast cancer survivor and nurse and her darling husband is an Army Colonel. I was so very touched when they both came to my fundraiser on April 29. It truly restored my faith in humanity. Melissa is a true warrior when it comes to fighting breast cancer and running marathons. Having them join the team just this week meant so very much to me and my family and I look forward to Sunday and getting to know them better as time goes on.

Being one of Denny's Shotgun Riders means that we've got Dad's back. It means we love him and we will do everything we can to support him through this battle. I, honestly, can't imagine anywhere I'd rather be.
Thank you to each and every one of you for joining my team and supporting my father and this cause! I look forward to seeing each of you on Sunday and doing the Denny's Shotgun Riders name proud!

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