Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Denise and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Quilt

Denise and I have been friends since the 6th grade. We were 11 years old when we met and 30 years later I can say she is still one of my best friends. Our friendship is not only one of my longest and dearest but Denise is family. We may not see each other as often as we'd like but our friendship is one that keeps us always connected.  My family and I are definitely blessed to have her in our lives.

When something goes wrong, she's the first one I call. When something goes right, she's the first one I call. When I told her about Dad's cancer coming back, she immediately jumped into action with me and we started deciphering all the test results and figuring out how to attack the nasty C-word again. Then she said something without even giving it a second thought. She wanted to make a quilt to be auctioned off at the fundraiser. I was ecstatic.

Not only is Denise one of the most loving, compassionate, intelligent and giving people I know but she's creative on top of it all! What I'd give for just an ounce of her creativeness.

About 15 years ago, Denise's mom bought her a sewing machine for Christmas. She took it out of the box and couldn't figure out how to thread it and immediately returned it to her mom.  A few years later, she became involved with Project Linus, an organization that meets quarterly to make quilts for critically-ill children.  Becoming part of Project Linus enabled her to build her sewing and quilting skills.
She made her first quilt in 2008 and has made close to 50 more since then for friends and family for different occasions.  She progressed from simple patchwork quilts into detailed designs and patterns.  Her favorite quilt is a log cabin quilt she made for her parents' wedding anniversary.   Last November, she invested in an embroidery machine and plans to learn how to do designs on the quilts after they are made.

I cannot begin to express how honored I am that she is making a quilt for the fundraiser to support Denny's Shotgun Riders in its fight against ending prostate cancer.  Whoever is fortunate enough to win this auction will not only be receiving a beautiful quilt but one that has been handmade with such marvelous compassion and talent!

About a month ago, Denise sent me a picture of the beginnings of the quilt. I am so excited about seeing the finished product!


Check out Denise's Etsy site for more of her incredible creations. She just recently started selling bucket bags and other handmade items and hopes to have some quilts up on the site soon.

Thank you, my friend! You rock!

Update as of 2/19/15:


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