Wednesday, February 18, 2015

How do I get my ticket for the fundraiser?

Many of you have asked me how you can get your "ticket" for the fundraiser. Well, all you need to know to pay ahead of time is right here in this post.

So you've marked your calendar for April 30. You are excited about seeing everyone and even bidding on some amazing items. But wait, you don't want to stand in line when you get there and you know there will be a lot of people in attendance. I'll make it easy for you. All you have to do is pay ahead of time and you can bypass the gatekeeper that Thursday night!

I'll make it easy for you! If you're local and I see you quite often, you can pay me in cash or you can write me a check. Unfortunately, I won't be able to accept credit cards. If you want to mail me a check that is fine as well. Just email me at and I'll be happy to give you a mailing address.

If you pay your $26 ahead of time, I'll add you to the "paid" list so there won't be any problem when you arrive at the door on April 30. Yep, $26 - that's all!! This fee includes tax as well as tip for the incredible staff at Winestyles who will be taking great care of us that evening.  You'll also receive your choice of one glass of wine or a beer along with scrumptious heavy hors d'oeuvres. 

Not only will it save you time but it will also help us out if you pay ahead of time. It would be great if I could give Arthur a guesstimate on a head count of who will be attending. So while paying ahead isn't required it definitely is highly recommended and appreciated!

Thanks again and can't wait to see you at the fundraiser!


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