Thursday, February 12, 2015

Prepared to kick cancer's ass....... again!

My parents and I have been overwhelmed (in a good way) with all of the support that we have received over the last month or so. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't feel the love and friendship and true generosity from someone. Sometimes it's from someone we know and sometimes it's from a stranger but it's very special regardless.
I received an email from the head of fundraising for the ZERO walk last week asking if I needed any help and to tell me how impressed she was with all of my success so far with the fundraiser. She informed me that she was passing my blog along to her marketing team so that they are aware of my "tireless efforts". I thanked her and honestly was shocked but humbled by her kind words.  Another member of the ZERO team called me today to check on Dad and to thank me for all my efforts. I have been welcomed into this ZERO family so quickly and so sincerely and it's an honor. I told both Julie and Justin that I don't do this for the accolades though. I don't want the thanks. I do this because it's therapy for me. I enjoy doing it and have organized and held fundraisers before. I can't take away Dad's cancer. I can't take his treatment for him. I can; however, bring awareness to prostate cancer and focus my energies and efforts on this fundraiser and the race  I need to be productive and feel like I am helping in some way.  So, thanks to all of you who have donated and who are coming to the fundraiser. Thanks for being there for me and my parents. It means more than you know.
With that being said, we need your time, your donations and your prayers now more than ever.
Please don't think that I am ignoring you or that I don't care if I don't personally respond to your texts, emails, phone calls or messages.  It is emotionally exhausting to talk about our battle right now and this blog can serve as an avenue to reach out to everyone at once. It may sound selfish and I sure don't mean it that way but I have to focus my energies on my parents at this time.
They are my first priority as I'm sure you understand.

Now for the latest.....
A week ago, we found out that Dad's prostate cancer has metastasized to the bone. That has always been a fear of mine because that's where prostate cancer is known to spread.  As a result, his bones are weak and he has two fractured ribs. He received an injection last Friday which he will get once a month as a bone strengthener which should help any further fractures from occurring. His original tumor in the bladder area has grown, there is a mass on his L3 vertebrae and some other bony metastases. While all of this may sound terrifying, I can assure you that aside from feeling pretty "lousy" every so often and having back pain and a headache, Dad is doing pretty good.  Right now we have three things we need to focus on: 1) strengthening his bones to stop any other fractures; 2) pain management which is happening with steroids and narcotics as needed; and 3) cancer treatment.
Next Thursday, February 19, Dad will start chemo. He will receive it once every three weeks and it will last about 2-3 hours. He'll have a cocktail of other drugs as part of the therapy but I won't bore you with all of that stuff!
What you need to know...
Dad is ok.
Dad is plain tired of hurting and ready to get the ball rolling.
Dad is prepared to kick cancer's ass again.
How you can help....
Pray for him (because we know prayer works)
Be positive (because we are)
Don't focus on the fact that he has cancer. (We aren't).
Dad has cancer. Cancer does not define who he is.
Call him. Send him emails. Send him cards.
Let him know that you care and he's not alone.
Sure, he knows that but don't we all love to hear that every once in a while?
It's amazing what a difference that can make.
Dad is prepared to kick cancer's ass again.
Mom and I are ready to be right by his side every step of the way and make sure it happens.
Won't you join us?
In case you can't find it, here's the link to my page where you can donate on behalf of Denny's Shotgun Riders and even join our team and walk with us on Father's Day.
Don't forget to mark your calendars for the April 30 fundraiser too.
I'll be posting something soon about how to sign up and pay ahead of time.
Stay tuned for more spotlight on business posts too.
As always, thank you so much for your support.
Your friendship and love means the world to me and my parents.

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