Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Update on fundraising and Dad

Life has been a whirlwind lately, but nothing I can't handle. I haven't been posting as much as I want but rest assured, the wheels are still in motion and I'm working tirelessly to make this a worthwhile and memorable fundraiser! I can't take away Dad's cancer. I can't take treatment for him. This is the best I can do to help and I'm giving it all I've got!

My days (and some nights) are being overcome by budget season at work with meeting after meeting with politicians during a campaign year. Yeah, exactly what you are thinking.. At least it's entertaining.....I have switched gears from seeking donors of items for the fundraiser to organizing the incredible items I have received and am in the process of planning for the event itself. Everyone who knows me knows I am a planner (thanks, Mom!) and I hate waiting until the last minute to do things!  So if you've promised me an item/service, get ready for me to start harassing you.....

I have randomly chosen businesses/individuals to spotlight as donors in this blog but please do not think that the only businesses/individuals I have are the ones I've blogged about. I simply don't have the time to post about every single item. From a local brewery to a bed a breakfast, to an Outer Banks beach house to gift baskets from local businesses and handmade items from local artists/friends..... Guess you'll just have to show up on April 30 and be surprised at what you find!

I also want to thank each of you who has made a monetary donation to my team at this point and let you know that my plight for seeking out monetary donations is far from over! While the fundraiser is a little over a month away, the race isn't until Father's Day and that means you still have plenty of time to make donations!  Just follow this link and it will make it very easy for you to donate online.
If you'd rather write a check or hand me cash, that's perfectly acceptable too and you can email me at for my address and to make arrangements.

Thanks to all of you who have already donated, I surpassed my goal of $2500!!! Why is $2500 important? Anyone who raises $2500 gets to honor their loved one/team on the official ZERO 2015 Prostate Cancer Run/Walk t-shirt. Yep, that means every single person who walks - as an individual or as part of a team (and yes, you can still join Denny's Shotgun Riders!) will receive a walk t-shirt with my dad's name on it! (The 2004 event had over 800 participants!) I am so proud to be able to honor my dad on the official walk shirt that every participant will be wearing on June 21!!

While I am graciously accepting each donation and more thankful than anyone could possibly imagine for all the outpouring of support I've received for the fundraiser, I am even more grateful for the overwhelming love and prayers for my mom, myself and, most importantly, my dad.

On March 12, Dad had his second chemo treatment - or as he referred to it "round 2 of cancer killing".  Up until that treatment he was doing well. When I would ask how he was and the response was "pretty good" for about two weeks straight, I was thrilled! A day or so after the second round of chemo, he started feeling pretty lousy  - extremely fatigued. Almost a week later and he's still battling fatigue and weakness.  It makes sense because chemo is really harsh and not only kills the cancer but tends to affect the good things too. You'd think by now with all these advances in science and medicine, we would have a better alternative by now, right?

Dad is very fortunate though and he knows it. As much as the fatigue is affecting his daily life, it could be a lot worse. In fact, good news is that his pain has lessened considerably which is such a huge blessing! For months, he was taking narcotics for pain every 3-4 hours and often that wasn't enough to ease it.  He's now only needing pain meds every 8 hours; sometimes as long as 10!!! What does this mean? Treatment must be working! So you have to take the good with bad, I guess.

Next chemo is April 2 so let's pray for more good days than bad days as the journey of kicking cancer's ass continues.......

As always, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your donations, your love, your support and your prayers.  Keep 'em coming!!

"This is where the healing begins
This is where the healing starts
When you come to where you're broken within, the light meets the dark."
-Tenth Avenue North

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