Thursday, March 24, 2016

Where are my shotgun riders?!

We all know what "riding shotgun: means.  We all have been in a position with a group of friends where we've "called shotgun" and beat someone to the passenger seat of the car so we could ride in the front. So riding shotgun pretty much refers to the practice of sitting alongside the driver in a moving vehicle. What you may not know is that the expression comes from  the days of stagecoach travel and was derived from the term "express messenger".  It seems as if "riding shotgun" wasn't coined until 1919 and was often used in print and film depiction of stagecoaches and wagons in the Old West in danger of being robbed or attacked by bandits.  The person riding shotgun would sit next to the driver with a shotgun or rifle to provide an armed response in case they were threatened.  Recently, and most importantly, the phrase "shotgun rider" has been more specifically used to refer to giving actual or figurative support to someone in a situation; watching their back.
When I was trying to come up with a name for my team last year, it didn't take long. I knew it had to honor my dad. I knew it had to be unique. I knew it had to have something to do with Tim McGraw. My parents and I love Tim and always see him live when he's in town. We have for many years.  In 2004, his song, "Live like you were Dying" hit Number One on the charts and that summer, the three of us saw Tim live.  When he sang that song, it was emotional right from the opening lines:

"He said: "I was in my early forties,
With a lot of life before me,
And a moment came that stopped me on a dime.
I spent most of the next days,
Looking at the x-rays,
Talkin 'bout the options and, talkin’ ‘bout sweet time."
I asked him when it sank in,
That this might really be the real end?
How’s it hit you when you get that kind of news?
Man, whatcha do?

An' he said: "I went sky diving, I went rocky mountain climbing,
I went two point seven seconds on a bull named Fu Man Chu.
And I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter,
And I gave forgiveness I'd been denying."
And he said, "Some day, I hope you get the chance,
To live like you were dyin'."
So, I thought maybe I need to incorporate that song into my team name somehow. But nothing came to me. It just didn't seem to work. Then...... it hit me.
At the time, Tim had released a new song called "Shotgun Rider". From the minute my parents heard it, they fell in love with it. It's a perfect love story for them.  They can't imagine not being together.
"Roll, won’t you come roll with me slow, fast, full speed
Girl, wherever sweet time takes us
Hang, with me down this old road
Only God knows where we’ll go
Don’t matter long as I’ve got your love
I don’t ever want to wake up,
Lookin’ into someone else’s eyes
Another voice calling me "baby"
On the other end of the phone
A new girl puttin’ on her makeup
Before dinner on Friday night
No I don’t ever wanna know
No other shotgun rider, beside me, singin’ to the radio

Slide, slide over nice and close
Lay your head down on my shoulder
You can fall asleep I’ll let you
Dream, life ain't nothing but a dream, don’t wanna be
Cruisin’ through this dream without you."
It's also a perfect name for my team to honor my dad. From the minute he was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1996, my mom and I have been by his side. Every time it has recurred, we've been right there by his side. When someone I love is threatened, I delve into protecting them. I research, I go to doctor's appointments, I ask questions, I suggest options. Doctors are human beings. They are no different than the rest of us except they chose a different career path. I respect them but I also will challenge them if I don't agree with them. We are responsible for our own bodies and health and it is up to us to be informed and knowledgeable. Ultimately, we are in control. Doctors guide us and hopefully, it's in the right direction. Dad was fortunate enough to have an incredible oncologist, Dr. Katcher, who unfortunately retired December 31, 2014. When Dad's cancer returned again, it was very upsetting to not have Dr. Katcher on the case but we are so fortunate and blessed to have Dr. Moorer pick up where he left off!

I can't take my dad's cancer away. I can't take my dad's pain away. I can't take his medicine for him. I can't do his treatment for him. There are things I can do though and I will do them the best way I know how. I can love him. I can support him. I can listen to him. I can arm myself with knowledge and do my best to help him and the doctors.
But all of that didn't seem like enough. I needed to be productive. I needed to feel as if I am helping; making a difference. I needed to focus on what I could control so that I didn't downward spiral into a depth of emotional solitude. That is why I decided to participate in the ZERO walk for the first time last year.

There is no where I'd rather be than by my dad's side, riding shotgun, supporting him and battling prostate cancer with him. I've got his back now and always. No matter what happens. Each person who joins the Denny's Shotgun Riders team also makes that commitment and shows their support as one of his shotgun riders as he fights prostate cancer yet again. We've always been there but now it's about physically showing it. Being one of Denny's Shotgun Riders means that we've got his back. It means we love him and we will do everything we can to support him through this battle. I, honestly, can't imagine anywhere I'd rather be.

Thank you to Mary Anne, Jason, Maurine, Brian and Melissa for being a part of  the Denny's Shotgun Riders Team again this year. Also huge thanks to Sarah for joining the team for the first time and constantly showing her support in so many ways. 

There is still time for YOU to join the team and show your support for my father and for helping us put an end to prostate cancer! We'd love to have you!! Just click the link below and sign up today!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Know your why

How would you feel if one of your best friends - the first man to ever love you, who loved you before you were even born and who continues to love you unconditionally - is helpless? What if his life changed in an instant and there was nothing you could do about it?  What if he's been used to fighting for the last 20 years but this time is the worst of them all. This time there may no be no recovery. This time it may not be a matter of strength and perseverance.  This time life as he knows it will never be the same. We've tried everything and while it may be working it comes with terrible consequences.

How would you feel if you watched him struggle at normal everyday tasks? What if he can't enjoy the simple things in life like tasting and chewing food without pain, walking down the hallway without feeling like he just ran a marathon, not being able to take the trash out, not being able to take a shower without a fear of falling - those same things and much more that we all take for granted on a daily basis. We continue to complain and we are perfectly fine. We have no idea how good we've got it. He seldom complains but deserves to tenfold.

We all know cancer is horrific but chemo is just as evil. Often I don't know which is the lesser of the two evils.  When the cancer is being eradicated/managed and then, in the process, chemo also destroys everything that is good and healthy, how is that fair? Wasn't cancer enough of a nightmare? Must the effects of the treatment compound the nightmare? After all he's been through, why does he now have to endure the hellish effects of chemo? He stopped chemo two months ago because his body could not take any more and yet he is still miserable - the chronic fatique, chemo-induced neuropathy, chemo brain/fog, pain and frustration. He is STILL suffering 24/7.

People have told me, "At least your dad is still here." Yes, you all are right. I am aware of that and do not think for one second that I am not grateful for his presence every single day, but he's not the same. The new normal is not fun or even bearable. My mother and I feel completely helpless. All he wants is to feel better and normal again. What if he never does? What if this is life from now on? What if this is as good as it gets?

We'll it's not good enough for me. He deserves better.  (My mother also deserves better.) He didn't get drafted and sent to fight in a senseless war where he was shot, saw his friends killed and survived just so prostate cancer, courtesy of Agent Orange, could rob the best years of his life. His retired years - the years he earned after working almost 40 years and providing for his family - should be celebrated and embraced right now.  This is the time in his life where he and my mom should be enjoying themselves every single day without a care in the world. But that is not the case.

That's WHY I'm passionate.
That's why I joined ZERO in 2015.
That's why I'm holding a fundraiser for a second year (even after the first one almost did me in.
That's why I went to the ZERO Prostate Cancer Summit and spent all day on Capitol Hill a few weeks ago bringing awareness and advocating in front of Congress to raise/maintain funding for prostate cancer research.
That's why I beg men to be proactive and demand a PSA test.
That's why I spend Father's Day walking in Arlington donned in a hat and shirt and carrying a banner - all with my dad's name on it.
That's why I annoy people and stay on top of them to make a donation.
That's why I am constantly promoting my Denny's Shotgun Riders fundraiser and urging people to buy tickets and attend the event.
That's why I have been spending all of my spare time racing all over my county and adjoining counties to solicit and pick up donations.
That's why I will NEVER give up.

I don't want other men to suffer and endure the prostate cancer nightmare like my dad has for the last 20 years.

You may think "Oh, prostate cancer won't affect me." Maybe you think you're too young. Maybe you think no men in your family had the disease so you won't. Maybe you are healthy and perhaps even in the best shape of your life. Maybe you get routine physicals and have even had normal PSAs. All of those things can change instantly. If you are a man you are at risk. Why? For the simple fact that you have a prostate. Don't be naïve. Don't blow it off. A simple blood test could save your life. It saved my dad's life 20 years ago.

Please take a moment do one/all of these things:

Join Denny's Shotgun Riders and participate with us at the race on Father's Day. You don't have to run. You can walk. It's also a family-friendly event so bring the kids and the dogs! It is a morning event so you can still spend the day celebrating with the men in your life on their special day. Start it off right with us!

Send me a message at and ask for my mailing address so you can send me a check for your fundraiser ticket. Or wait until the night of the event and show up at the door. You'll have to pay $5 more (after April 9) but guess what? That $5 will come directly to me for ZERO. No one will be turned away!

Make a donation to my fundraising page:

In today's world, you should definitely be concerned about where your money is going. I know I am. Rest assured that ZERO will use your money wisely. I wouldn't be part of this organization if its practice were otherwise.  It usually takes 10 years for one drug to get approved through the FDA process. There were three prostate cancer drugs that were approved over the last five years and guess what? My dad has been able to benefit from all three of them!! That is just one thing that ZERO is fighting for and getting done!! A fellow ZERO volunteer/friend of mine lost her dad to prostate cancer after 14 months of being diagnosed. Because of ZERO, his family is helping to stop others from having to go through the same nightmare their loved one did. We're making a difference in lives but we need your support!! If those drugs had been available when Paul was diagnosed they may have helped him and he might still be here. We are on the cusp of incredible and exciting things but we need your help!!

The next time you see one of my posts on Facebook or you get an email from me asking to make a donation or if I ask if you're coming to my fundraiser, don't roll your eyes and think, "Is that ALL she thinks about?" because, right now, the answer is "Yes, it is." If it was your father - or husband, or son, or nephew, or uncle or grandfather or friend - or even YOU, you'd be (hopefully) batshit passionate just like I am.

I will never apologize for my obsession.
It's about my dad's life.
It's about all male lives.

Know your why.
I sure do.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Let's get/stay healthy!

There are so many avenues to take when it comes to health and wellness. I like to think that I have a good array of those options represented at the fundraiser this year. Here's a glimpse of what you can expect to see in regard to businesses who will be represented.

Soaring Spirit Yoga Studio

Nancy, at Soaring Spirit Yoga Studio, is the epitome of the essence of yoga - the practice of being present in the moment! There's no reason to dwell on the past or worry about the future. Embrace the present in a welcoming and supportive place right in the town of Occoquan! A variety of classes and workshops are offered for beginners and seasoned yogis!
Reiki Master Session
My parents and I moved to Dale City when I was two years old and it's really the only home I've ever known. One of the instant friends I made at such a young age was a creative and loving little girl named Sunday who lived across the street. I am blessed to say that she and I have remained friends our entire lives and she is someone that my parents and I can always count on!

I have always been in awe of Sunday, ever since we were kids, at her natural and free-spirited nature. Her artistic and creative talents (as well as her younger sister's) were also something I admired, and still do. Sunday started Reiki training about 16 years ago and I had no idea! In my search to find something to help Dad with his neuropathy, I reached out to Sunday about a month ago to see if she could help.  Dad's first Reiki session was a few weeks ago, he was very pleased, and the sessions will continue.

Sunday has always been interested in natural healing and she's used crystal therapy, color therapy and simple tea and herbal remedies. Her spiritual/religious life is centered around the idea that all things are made up of one thing-that God is actually part of everything.  The idea of Namaste - that the divine in me sees and honors the divine in you - is one of her favorite things. She started using crystals and prayer to send healing to her friends who she knew needed it. Becoming a certified massage therapist made it easier for her to practice Reiki. For a while, she also joined some of her old religious mentors in a hands-on healing prayer group. It was then that she presented Reiki to them and explained that in her mind, it was the same thing.

While Sunday sometimes combines Reiki with massage, it is often just energy - energy flowing through her into the world, focusing on one person/place that needs it. She has even helped children, and clients with severe injuries and chronic terminal illnesses like cancer and fibromyalgia.
"I do it because there is so much hurt in the world - so much pain and loss and sadness. If there is anything I can do, anything that can make it even a little better, and even for one person, then I want to do it."
-Sunday Frey

It is with great honor that I am happy to say that my dear friend is offering up her Reiki services to help others through Denny's Shotgun Riders!!

Health and Nutrition Services by Sarah
I met Sarah a few years ago when she was waitressing at Giorgios. She instantly became a part of our family! How excited she and Mom were when she was assigned to my mom's school for her student teaching stint! While I am so incredibly proud of her for following her dreams of becoming a teacher, I am even more proud of her for taking a hold of her health and her life and improving it for the better! 

Sarah had always been a fit teenager - active in sports and walked everywhere. Her senior year of high school she stopped playing sports and bought a car. She stopped taking care of her body but continued to eat junk! College brought on the Freshman 30 and waitressing added another 15 pounds. She was 24 years old, 200 pounds, suffering from depression and had multiple health issues. She knew she needed to change her life.

On March 23, 2015, she was invited to quite a few beach trips and really wanted to go so by way of her sister she bought the Beachbody 21 Day Fix Extreme. She has been able to keep her weight loss going and health journey consistent through the Beachbody programs. She is now in great health and is happier than she's ever been, Most of all, Sarah wants others to realize the misconceptions about eating/dieting and help them truly realize how healthy they can be. My sweet Sarah is such an inspiration!

"I can't imagine feeling the way I used to and anyone can do these programs. I feel so great every day and there is no reason that everyone else shouldn't feel this good! How could I keep the secret to health and happiness a secret? I definitely feel good because I'm working out, but I know I feel even better because of messages I get from others! I'm helping people get themselves back on track by investing into the most important project of all - THEMSELVES!!!"
- Sarah Grimm

Fit 4 Pole

Pole Dancing, you say? Get it out of your system. Go ahead. Giggle. Guffaw. Whatever it is.
Done now? Good. Pole and conditioning classes are a great way to have fun and stay fit! Lucky for us, Meaghan is an awesome teacher, avid Crossfitter and didn't hesitate to go to the owner of Fit4Pole to see if she'd be willing to help raise money for putting an end to prostate cancer!

Meaghan grew up a competitive dancer and wanted to get back into the world of dance somehow, as well as help develop her Crossfit strength. She stumbled upon one of the studios she still trains at and has been in love with the world of aerial dance (pole, lyra/hoop) ever since.  Meaghan is going into her fourth year of aerial dancing and she couldn't be happier with the community, as well as the results it has given her mind and body. 
"The art of pole and lyra gets a bad rap within society mainly due to common misconceptions around our art, but it is not only an empowering community for women (and men), but it has given ordinary ladies who never would've considered participating in this sport, a new found sense of worth, despite their figure, background, and/or physical abilities."
 -Meaghan Bresnan

Want to get fit and have fun? Then you'll want to bid on the gift certificate for a party from Fit4Pole which will include up to 10 of your friends! The party will include 1.5 hours of studio time to include mingle time, chair/exotic dance instruction and pole dance instruction! Instruction sessions can be tailored to your preference and additional time can also be purchased by the winner of this item. No need to be nervous or scared - Meaghan will take great care of you! I just need nine more people! Let's do this thang!

Stay tuned to this post because more health, fitness and wellness items will be added in the next week or so.

A girl's best friend... well, one of them.....

What woman doesn't enjoy going to the hair salon? (Shoot, men enjoy it too!)
Wouldn't you enjoy it even more if it was free?  Wouldn't you enjoy it more if you felt like royalty every time you walked into the salon?
Well, you will have the chance to bid on an item from my favorite salon in the Washington DC area!
I met David in 1999 when he worked at Bubbles in Springfield Mall. A friend of mine was getting married and I was in the wedding. A coworker of hers introduced her to David and that's how it all started.......All of the girls at this salon are in awe of the fact that I've been going to him for over 15 years not to mention the fact that we are great friends!
About three years later, David opened his own salon, the Jon David Salon in Springfield off of Commerce Street in a building that used to be a bank.  After a horrible experience with a hairdresser in Alexandria, I remembered meeting David and found him again. The rest is hair and friendship history!
In 2012, David branched out and opened a shop in the Clarendon area of Arlington and then two years ago he opened up a third shop in Clifton. I couldn't be more proud of him! 
I can't imagine ever letting anyone else touch my hair! I'd follow him wherever he goes! David and I have become fantastic friends and he never fails to make me look and feel beautiful.  His welcoming and fun-loving personality as well as his tall, dark and handsome looks sure don't hurt either! David has a heart of gold and always asks not only about my dad but makes sure that mom is being taken care of as well.
As long as I've been trusting David with my hair, I have seen a variety of clients come in and out of his three shops - from kids, prom and wedding events, professionals, men, women, and even grandparents. It doesn't matter what you want or who you are, David and his staff will make it happen and won't let you leave until you are 100% satisfied!
When asked about something unique that he wanted clients to know about him, he replied, "I am always honest and straightforward about recommendations for your best look. Reinventing people's hair and the instant gratification that comes from the end result of my work is my favorite thing." How can you go wrong with that attitude?
Click here to visit David's website.
I cannot thank my dear David enough for his more than generous donations to support Denny's Shotgun Riders.  I am overwhelmed at his graciousness and so thankful for our one of a kind relationship. Whoever is the lucky winner of this auction item will be extremely fortunate!

Perfect getaway!

How does a three-day stay in the Outer Banks sound?
My incredible cousin, Terra, has generously offered up a three-day stay in her 2 bedroom, 1 bath house in Kill Devils Hills! ( Dates of stay will be determined by the winner of the auction and the owners.  This one level, dog-friendly house with a fenced backyard is small but perfect! You won't be wasting time inside (even though it does have central a/c and heat) when you're in the Outer Banks, anyway!  The house is about three blocks from the beach and located "in between the highways" if you are in tune with OBX lingo! 

This year, the beach house comes with a gift card to Barefoot Bernie's Tropical Grill and Bar!! It pays when to have a friend who is a "local" and can work his magic with the restaurants in the off-season for my cause!  Thank you, Sean!

Whether you are a sunbather, a boater, a lighthouse climber, a wildlife photographer, a lover of delicious fresh seafood, or you're like me, and just feel at peace near the ocean, the Outer Banks has it all!


Friday, March 11, 2016

The magic of photography!

In planning and soliciting for donations from businesses for last year's fundraiser, I was so overwhelmed and humbled at the amount and variety I received. One thing that I was hoping for but didn't receive was photographic services of some sort.

I have had a love for photography my entire life. I worked for a photography company during college and shot numerous weddings on my own in the early 2000s. I am truly in love with my Nikon. I fought the digital age when it happened because I loved the raw appeal of actually using film. I finally succumbed and got a digital Nikon and, of course, I don't know how I lived without it.

I can't draw a straight line with a ruler and if I try to paint I get more on me than on the canvas. Capturing moments in time through a lens is where I get creative though. Let me grab my Nikon, a pair of sunglasses, and off I go - nothing better. Easiest way for me to lose track of time with a smile plastered on my face.

Recently, engagement photos of my friend Sarah and her fiancé, Hugh, showed up on my Facebook page and I was in awe. Not only were they beautiful, but they were unique and they captured the love between the two of them in such a raw way. I instantly had to ask Sarah who was responsible for these photos!
Call it fate, call it what you will. Thanks to that one inquiry, I now have made a new friend in Christyal and she is graciously donating her talents to help raise money in support of my dad and the family members she's lost to the dreaded "C" word. The winner of this auction will receive a gift certificate for an hour session of unlimited shots, including up to four people with a location to be determined. (Specific details will be included with the gift certificate.)

"I love taking photos. I had a camera in hand all the time at all the events since I was young. I became a photographer in college six years ago. I would photograph different events such as fashion shows, pageants, modeling events and Homecoming. When I graduated college is when I started to truly develop my own style. My favorite thing to photograph is people I meet on the street. I enjoy meeting the people that are less fortunate or just overlooked. You can find those photos on my website under the category "Street". I also love to create. I like to try new things/ideas, doing things that are out of the box.  I want people to see my work and fall in love ;not look at it as if it's just another photo. I want it to leave a lasting impression that is positively impacting."
- Christyal Rood

I am truly honored to have Christyal represented at my fundraiser this year!
Check out her website here:

Friday, March 4, 2016

ALL men are at risk; even famous ones

Here's just a quick list of famous men who have been affected by prostate cancer. Food for thought. All men are at risk. Period.

Marion Barry - successfully treated in 1995

Harry Belafonte - diagnosed with early-stage prostate cancer in 1996 and successfully treated. He is now a prostate cancer advocate, raising awareness of the disease in men

Bill Bixby - actor - diagnosed in 1991 and died in 1993

James Brown - Godfather of Soul - diagnosed in 2004 but survived. He died of heart failure in 2006

Robert DeNiro - diagnosed with early-stage cancer in 2003 at the age of 60. He has kept details of his treatment private. His father died of prostate cancer at the age of 71.

Sen. Bob Dole - diagnosed in 1991 and successfully treated, became an outspoken prostate cancer advocate. He became a spokesperson for Viagra because of the problems prostate cancer survivors often experience with erectile dysfunction.

Louis Farrakhan - diagnosed in 1991. In 1994, he received brachytherapy seed implants. In 1999, he had a near-death experience caused by complications from radiation therapy. In 2003, he founded the Louis Farrakhan Prostate Cancer Foundation. In January 2007, he underwent 12-hour abdominal surgery to correct problems from the 1994 seed implant surgery.

Robert Frost - poet - diagnosed in 1962, had a radical prostatectomy the same year, and died in 1963

Rudy Giuliani - former New York City mayor - diagnosed with prostate cancer in April 2000, had surgery to implant radioactive seeds in September 2000. Giuliani's father died from prostate cancer in 1981 at the age of 73.

Robert Goulet - diagnosed in 1993 at the age of 60 after a routine blood test, underwent a radical prostatectomy and is now free of prostate cancer. He has remained an outspoken prostate cancer advocate.

Merv Griffin - diagnosed in 2000 at the age of 75 and underwent 7 weeks of radiation therapy

Alec Guinness - English actor - diagnosed in January 2000, spread to the liver in July, and died a month later

Langston Hughes - died on May 22, 1967 at the age of 65 after complications from abdominal surgery related to prostate cancer

John Kerry - diagnosed in late 2002 with early-stage prostate cancer and had successful nerve-sparing prostate cancer surgery in 2003. Kerry's father died of prostate cancer in 2000 at the age of 85

Phil Lesh - Grateful Dead bassist - diagnosed with early-stage prostate cancer in October 2006

Nelson Mandela - diagnosed in 2001 with early-stage cancer, underwent seven weeks of radiotherapy and made a full recovery

Roger Moore - former 007 - successfully treated with surgery in 1993

Laurence Olivier - diagnosed in 1967 and underwent radiation treatment that successfully eradicated the cancer

Jerry Orbach - actor - well known for Law and Order and Dirty Dancing - died from the disease in Dec. 28, 2004 at the age of 69

Linus Pauling - Nobel Prize winner - diagnosed in 1991 at the age of 90 and died of the disease in 1994

Colin Powell - underwent surgery in 2003 for early-stage prostate cancer and made a full recovery

Johnny Ramone - guitarist - died in 2004 at the age of 55 after a five-year battle with the disease

Telly Savalas - "Kojak" - died of the disease in 1994 at the age of 70

Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf - diagnosed in 1993 and underwent successful surgery

Pierre Elliot Trudeau - Prime Minister of Canada - died of prostate cancer in 2000 at the age of 80

Bishop Desmond Tutu - diagnosed after a routine exam in 1996, treated in the United States with hormone therapy and radiation

Earl Woods - Tiger Woods' father - diagnosed in 1998 and successfully treated with radiation, but the cancer returned more aggressively in 2004. Woods died on May 3, 2006 at the age of 74.

Frank Zappa - died of complications from the disease on December 4, 1993 at the age of 52

Dennis Hopper - actor - diagnosed in October 2009, died in May 2010 at the age of 74
Andrew Lloyd Webber - composer - diagnosed 2009 in early stages, at the age of 61,
Charlton Heston – "Moses" - diagnosed in 1998 while he was undergoing hip surgery, went through a round of radiation therapy, at the age of 74,

Dick Sergeant - "Bewitched" - diagnosed in 1989, aggressively spread and he died in 1994 at the age of 64

Prostate cancer doesn't discriminate.
It doesn't matter if you're wealthy or poor.
It doesn't matter if you're black or white.
It doesn't matter if you're young or old.
It doesn't matter what you do for a living.
It doesn't matter what credible or noteworthy accomplishments you have in life.
It doesn't matter if you are a good father or husband.
Prostate cancer can affect ALL men.
Think it can't happen to you? Think again.

Please help me raise funds to bring awareness, find treatments for and put an end to prostate cancer! Click below to make a donation. All donations matter - none are too big or too small. I'm never giving up on Generation ZERO!

When-the-limo-breaks-down kind of friend.....

Denise and I have been friends since the 6th grade. We were 11 years old when we met and 31 years later I can say she is still one of my best friends. Our friendship is not only one of my longest and dearest but Denise is family. We may not see each other as often as we'd like but our friendship is one that keeps us always connected.  My family and I are definitely blessed to have her in our lives. When something goes wrong, she's the first one I call. When something goes right, she's the first one I call.  She is a devoted and loving mother and wife; a true role model to all women in this world.

Without a second thought, Denise make an incredible quilt to be auctioned off at last year's fundraiser. Last Fall, she also surprised Dad with a Redskins quilt, specifically made for him, to provide warmth as a result of chemo treatments.

Not only is Denise one of the most loving, compassionate, intelligent and giving people I know but she's also incredibly creative! What I'd give for just an ounce of her creativeness.

About 15 years ago, Denise's mom bought her a sewing machine for Christmas. She took it out of the box and couldn't figure out how to thread it and immediately returned it to her mom.  A few years later, she became involved with Project Linus, an organization that meets quarterly to make quilts for critically-ill children.  Becoming part of Project Linus enabled her to build her sewing and quilting skills.
She made her first quilt in 2008 and has made close to 50 more since then for friends and family for different occasions.  She progressed from simple patchwork quilts into detailed designs and patterns.  Her favorite quilt is a log cabin quilt she made for her parents' wedding anniversary.   In November 2014, she invested in an embroidery machine and plans to learn how to do designs on the quilts after they are made.

I cannot begin to express how honored I am that she is making a quilt again for the fundraiser to support my dad and our plight against prostate cancer!

This year's special masterpiece is a jelly roll quilt which is a pre-cut collection of quilting fabric that has been cut into strips that measure 2.5” by the width of fabric. Jelly rolls are the perfect way to get a sampling of all the prints in a fabric line or collection and the one she made and donated specifically for my fundraiser is full of bright and happy colors!

Here is a photo of the quilt in progress!
I can't wait to see the finished product!

Whoever is fortunate enough to win this auction will not only be receiving a beautiful quilt but one that has been handmade with such marvelous compassion and talent!

Thank you Denise... for everything.
 I don't know what my parents and I would do without you!

"Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down."
 ~Oprah Winfrey

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Thank you, Purcellville!

Sometimes in life people pleasantly surprise you. This doesn't happen often in my world but it's pretty magical when it does occur. I have found in my plight to bring awareness, and put an end, to prostate cancer is where this seems to happen most often. It gives me hope that there still are good people out there - especially when they are complete strangers.

I love the town of Purcellville in Loudoun County, Virginia. It's a little over an hour away but it feels like escaping to another world.   Purcellville lies in the heart of the Loudoun Valley, approximately nine miles west of Leesburg with the Blue Ridge Mountains to the west. I spent one of my birthday celebrations out there a few years ago and  I take any chance I can get to go back. My favorite guy and I love experiencing all that is Main Street USA!
Two weeks ago, we went out to our favorite small town to pick up donations for this year's fundraiser. Otium Cellars ( is one of my favorite wineries in this area - from the service, to the atmosphere, to the wine.  The manager, Tarah, didn't hesitate to donate once again and I, of course, jumped at the opportunity to personally pick it up and taste their wines!  I am a California Chardonnay lover and Otium's is one that comes so very close to transporting me to the West Coast. I love the Blaufrankish and Dornfelder as well! Tarah was on maternity leave but she left my information with Jordan and he took great care of us! What a great way to start off our trip! I could have stayed there all day but onward we went....

Next stop on our journey was Monk's BBQ for lunch! I love a good pulled pork sandwich but I love a tender, moist brisket even more. Throw in a side of potato salad, smoked gouda mac and cheese and custard filled cornbread and I am in pure food heaven. My favorite guy introduced me to Monk's almost two years ago and I couldn't be more thankful. I hate that it's so far away but it's well worth the drive. For incredible food, I'll travel just about anywhere. I had never met Brian before and his generosity truly floored me. Not only did I think he made a mistake with the amount of zeroes on his gift card but he even mentioned wanting to attend the fundraiser! I can't begin to express the appreciation I have for this hometown BBQ joint and the way it touched my heart.   Click here to check out this family owned business:

As I got back in the truck and looked straight ahead, I saw an abandoned house and instantly thought, "I could totally live here." Well, part time, at least. My other home would have to be at the beach.

Now that our bellies were happily full, it was time for some exquisite craft beer to wash it down at Adroit Theory Brewing Adroit is a perfect example of how we should not judge a book by its cover.  Walking into Adroit is like walking into a Stephen King novel - it's dark, satirical almost, and all who work there have some form of body art - tattoos, piercings, rods, you name it. To some, this may be frightening. To me, it's refreshing. I don't care what people look like - I never have. I care about their character and their inner self. It was the fourth time I'd been to Adroit and while its beer still continues to excite me and my taste buds, the unselfish and giving attitude of the staff impressed me even more. Even though the manager with whom I had been conversing for a month wasn't there, all the staff knew who I was and were expecting me. It was difficult for my favorite guy and I to contain our excitement when we realized what they were donating for the fundraiser! If you've been to Adroit, you'll appreciate it. If you haven't been to Adroit, you need to go after these items - you won't be disappointed. It will change your outlook on beer, art and even humanity!

The last stop was to see Scott at Catoctin Creek Distilling Like Otium, Scott graciously donated to the fundraiser for the second year in a row. If you were at last year's event, you'll remember how his bottle of Roundstone Rye Whiskey was a show stopper. I truly thought there was going to be a knock down drag out (in a good way) for this bottle! I am a huge lover of rye and always keep a bottle of Scott's Roundstone in my home. This year, Scott added a special touch. You'll have to come to the fundraiser to check it out....

As we were driving home that afternoon, my heart was so full. It felt as if Purcellville had wrapped its arms around my heart and said, "We got you, Val. We're riding shotgun with Denny, too!" These businesses didn't have to donate a thing. They could have ignored my request. They have no obligation to me. For God's sake, I live, and the fundraiser is even being held, in a different county!  I wouldn't have blamed them one bit if they chose to not participate. But I love that town. I love the feel of it. I love the businesses there. I love the fact that the owners of most of these businesses are born and bred in Purcellville. Scott and Becky, the owners of Catoctin Creek Distillery, grew up in Purcellville and chose to remain there, raise their family and hold their business. Purcellville makes me feel like I am part of its local family and that is something I have always yearned for.  I never feel like a stranger in Purcellville. Ironic because when I describe my dad, I often say that he's never met a stranger.

In a world filled with uncertainty, fear, anger and hate, Purcellville restored my hope in the fact that there are still genuine, good and unselfish people out there! Many thanks to my favorite small town in Northern Virginia! I can't begin to express how full you made this girl's heart feel!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Women supporting women in the name of prostate cancer!

In Spring 2014, I met Rebecca Evans, Attorney-at-Law, and she became my and my parents estate planning attorney.   I could not ask for a more intelligent attorney who handles such important matters with grace, respect and compassion. I highly recommend her and suggest you check out her and her mom's Northern Virginia firm here:

Last year, Becky donated to Denny's Shotgun Riders, and I was very appreciative. This year, she came to me with a suggestion and I just couldn't pass it up! She recently joined Thirty-One as an independent consultant because she fell in love with the products after having her second child in October 2015.  Having two kids has required her to stay better organized in order to stay sane with the two of them and working full-time! Her love for the products grew and she wanted to share them with others!  Becky told me, "It's a great company that provides great incentives to its consultants but also offers me the flexibility to donate my commission to fundraising causes I believe in - which is great!" Well, I also think it's great, because Becky has graciously created her first online fundraiser with Thirty-One and offered to donate 20% of all product sales to Denny's Shotgun Riders!

If you are on Facebook, look for an invite to the fundraiser site from me.
You can also click this link and it will take you to "Val's Fundraiser!"

All you have to do is "shop now" and place an order. The online event is officially open and will close on May 31. Take your time, peruse the site, and purchase some incredible items while helping me raise money to put an end to prostate cancer!

I didn't know much about this company except that another friend of mine in Pennsylvania was a consultant. She donated two items for the fundraiser so those of you who will be attending the actual fundraiser on April 28 will have an opportunity to bid on those items. Because of Becky, you now can purchase as many items as you want, in the comfort of your own home between now and May 31.  Again, 20% of sales will be donated to Denny's Shotgun Riders!

About Thirty-One (direct from the website):

"Thirty-One Gifts is about so much more than just a bag. We are a family of individuals who share a passion for empowering women, and who are committed to celebrate, encourage and reward others for who they are. The name Thirty-One Gifts comes from Proverbs 31, which describes the attributes and the importance of a “Virtuous Woman.” Our mission is to help women by giving them the opportunity to own their own business, providing them with all the tools and support necessary to find success and possibly build a new career! We believe in the power of relationships, and while the modern world says relationships can thrive from a distance, we know better. We’re passionate about bringing women together and creating opportunities for them to shop face-to-face while building new friendships."

What a great concept! Empowered women encouraging each other!  How ironic that a beautiful woman and mother who is an independent consultant with this company is offering up almost all of her commission to help another passionate woman bring awareness and raise funds to put an end to a man's disease!!
I am woman! Hear me roar! Let's do this ladies!! Together, we can change the world! Or at the least make a dent in it!
Thank you, Becky!
 I am truly honored that you have chosen my cause and my dad's journey as your first fundraiser event!