Thursday, February 11, 2016

Animal Communication

Do you ever wish you knew what your dog was thinking? Do you wish your cat could tell you why she's not eating? Do you wish your rabbit could tell you if he's happy? I've always wished these things and thanks to a class I took on Animal Communication in April 2015, I've not only been able to communicate with my own dog but I've been able to help other people with their animals as well.

Thanks to my friend and spirit medium, Barb Mallon, I have been avidly practicing animal communication since August 2015. Barb thought I would be perfect for her class and, would not only enjoy but get much benefit out of it, so I thought I'd take a chance. I have successfully communicated with dogs, cats, rabbits and soon I will be attempting to communicate with horses!

Animal communication is a true blessing to me. I am honored every time that an animal allows me to communicate with them and trusts me enough to talk to me. After all, they don't HAVE to communicate with me - it's completely up to them. It starts with meditation and focus on my end. It's all about trust and energy - linking my energy with the animal's energy.

I have been practicing and honing my skills for six months now and will continue to do so. Everyone knows I have a passion for animals and if I could go back in time and change one thing it would be choosing a career in which I could work with and help animals. Since I am not going to do that at this stage in my life, animal communication is the next best thing for me. I cannot begin to explain how rewarding it is for me.

During the recent blizzard, I was able to provide healing to a family who was facing the horrible task of letting its precious retriever go because of cancer. Out of all animals I have communicated with, this dog was by far one of my absolute favorites. I have never felt such an incredible connection with this darling boy and he truly was a loving soul. He literally took it upon himself to give me a quick message for each of the family members. Recently, I also helped another friend know it was time to let her sweet cat go. I have also been able to confirm and validate numerous things about other animals that I have never met.  So far, I've communicated with a cat, rabbit, jack russell terrier, cairn terrier, two maltese, a standard poodle, sharpei, golden retriever and, of course, my own, german shepherd.

I have decided to raffle a few pet communication session gift certificates at the Denny's Shotgun Riders fundraiser. What exactly do you get for this gift certificate and what can you expect from a pet communication session? Well, as far as you're side of things goes, it's pretty simple. 

All I'll need from the winner(s) of the raffle is: 1) a photo of your pet clearly showing the animal's face with no other animals or people present; 2) a few written questions that you would like me to ask your pet; 3) your email address; and 4) your patience.

After I communicate with your pet, I will relay all of the information I received to you in an email. I will ask the questions that you specifically stated and also present any other information that the animal provides. (You don't have to give me questions if you don't want to. I can ask things on my own if you'd rather go that route.) It is up to you to decipher and validate the information that the animal gives me. I ask for you patience because animal communication is not something I can just do on a whim. The conditions, so to speak, need to be right. For example, I will not hold a session after happy hour or on my hour lunch break from work. I will communicate when I the conditions are right for me and your pet to have the perfect connection.

Animals provide me with symbols, feelings and words. You should not expect a dialogue to occur. In fact, you should not EXPECT anything. In order to get the most out of your session, you should be open and accepting of anything that your animal tells me.

I'm happy to discuss this in detail with anyone who is interested or has questions so feel free to send me a message and we can talk. I have so many examples I could provide but the one that really sticks with me is one last summer in one of my very first sessions. I'll leave this with you to ponder.

My friend was visiting his brother in Massachusetts. We were texting early one Saturday morning and he told me that only he and his brother's dog, Spencer, the standard poodle, were awake. I asked him to send me a picture of Spencer and I'd see if he'd talk to me. I knew absolutely nothing about Spencer except for his name and his breed. Spencer was extremely vocal, displayed his personality perfectly to me and was an absolute delight to "meet". None of the information that he gave me meant anything to me but I did a "brain dump" email after the session and sent it off to my friend. He was in awe of all that I had unearthed and validated every single nugget of information I relayed from Spencer. In fact, my friend then sent me picture of Spencer laying on his dog bed at that exact moment with an orange tennis ball in his mouth. So what's the big deal, you're wondering?  Dogs love tennis balls, right? Well, one of the things Spencer had told me in our session was that his favorite toy was an orange tennis ball.  One day I hope I get to meet Spencer in person and thank him for allowing me to connect with him. Good boy, Spence!

I love animals. I love animals more than most people. It's just a simple fact. They display the most purest form of unconditional love. I am truly blessed to be able to communicate with each one of them and consider it an absolute pleasure. I look forward to talking to your animal soon!! Be sure to look for this raffle item at the fundraiser in April!


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