Friday, February 12, 2016

Art at its finest!

In the early 2000s, I knew of someone named Patti who worked in the Personnel Department of the City of Alexandria. In 2004, she quit working there, or as we, fellow employees used to say, she escaped. Even though I didn't know her that well, I was still happy for her and envious because anyone who could escape City Hall deserved applause.   In 2006, my sweet german shepherd, Prowler, was born and not long after I was searching for a pet sitter since I was gone most of the day commuting from Woodbridge to Alexandria.  After a lot of research and trying a few sitters, I finally contacted this one person and made an appointment for her to come by to meet us. To my surprise, it was Patti! She was quickly hired and it didn't take long for Prowler to call her "Aunt Patti".As time went on, I depended on Patti so very much and trusted her with my baby as well as my home. I could always count on her and was so thankful to have found her.

I'm happy to say that while I don't need a daily pet sitter any longer because Prowler is older, can be left alone and I only work a mile from home, Patti and I still keep in touch.  Our love of animals, especially dogs, and family will always keep us connected.

While I know what an incredible connection Patti has with dogs and her obvious and undying devotion and love for all animals, what I didn't know was the hidden talent that she has as an artist!

Over a year ago, I came across incredible paintings she was creating of our beloved four-legged furry family members! In December 2014, I was fortunate enough to have her create a portrait of  "my slippers". My favorite guy has two pure bred, white maltese dogs who are the most adorable little snugglebugs I have ever met. While he adores his babies as much as I adore my Prowler, and I needed the "perfect Christmas gift" for him two years ago, it was fate that I had come upon Patti's website!

From just a few photos that I had provided to Patti and some personal specifics, the finished product was absolutely mesmerizing for me and for their owner!  I couldn't have been more pleased and am still in awe of Patti's talent!

I am pleased to announce that Patti has offered up her artistic services once again for the silent auction!

Please visit Patti's website at
to find out more details and view the incredible pieces of art she has completed!

I am so grateful for Patti's friendship and generosity to benefit
Denny's Shotgun Riders!

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