Thursday, February 11, 2016

Southern Threads for Heads

My favorite guy is a HUGE Zac Brown Band fan. Last August, I was searching for something unique that had to do with Zac for a birthday gift. We already had tickets for the ZBB concert at Nats Park that month and wow, what a night!  In my search for a fantastic birthday present, I came across a business called, Southern Threads for Heads, which is owned by Donna "DJ" Windsor.  I couldn't do Donna's story justice so I thought I'd just put her story in her own words here for you all to read:

"I make hats for Zac Brown.  He has worn them on videos, at awards shows, and concerts.  Let me tell you how it happened.

I’m from Georgia.  I lived there for 21 years.  I lived in Dawsonville, right next to Dahlonega, where Zac Brown is from.  I didn’t know that would be important later in life, but it was. 
I moved to Oklahoma, married (for 31 years), and had two daughters.  They are now grown and married and have given me five grandkids.  In my free time, four years ago, I started crocheting hats (beanies) for the homeless ministry at my church. I did this for two years and gave them at Christmas.  My daughter, Rachel, introduced our family to Zac Brown’s music shortly before “Chicken Fried” came out on the radio.  We all immediately loved his music.  I learned he was from Georgia.  Not just from Georgia, but born in the county next door to where I had lived for all those years! 

Noticing that he always wore a beanie, I decided to make him a hat.  I sent it to his management in California in the Fall of 2009.  I also included a letter telling him about myself.  I didn’t hear from him and just put it in the back of my mind. I never thought anything would come of it. 

One day, Rachel asked me to watch the ” Highway 20 Ride” video in order to help her understand the story line.  I went to the living room to listen, and all of a sudden my hat came into view.  He was wearing MY HAT on TV!  I started yelling for my husband, Larry, to come watch.  I was so thrilled.  I want to thank the person in California who got my hat to Zac.

I made three more hats and sent them to California.  Guess what? He wore another one on the video “Free”.  The same hat is in the video “As She’s Walking Away”!  He was wearing the hat from “Free”  when he won his first Grammy.  I felt like I had won a Grammy!  In June, his wife Shelly called and asked for a black hat to wear to the CMT Awards in 2010.  I was so excited to talk to her and know that he liked my hats.

I went to his concert in Oklahoma City in September, 2010.  I was in front of the sound booth when the concert started.  Zac and Shelly came walking down the aisle, to the sound booth, to watch the opening act (I went to the concert with lots of hats in case I got to meet him).  Jessica, my oldest daughter, said, “Mama, get your hats out! He is coming this way!”.  There I stood, holding out my baggies of hats, looking right at him, and probably grinning like crazy.  He recognized me, smiled, and shook my hand.  That made me feel so special, BUT that was not the end. 

His bodyguard, Massif, came and found me during the concert.  He told me to meet him after the concert in front of the stage.  Zac wanted to meet me,  BUT that was still not the end.  During the concert, Zac said, “I want to wish Donna Windsor Happy Birthday – she is a sweet lady that makes my hats”.  I didn’t know that my son-in-law, Greg, had told him it was my birthday!  After the concert, which was an absolutely INCREDIBLE show, I went down and found Massif.  He took me back to Zac’s bus.  I met Zac and Shelly on the bus.  They were so sweet to take the time to meet me and spend a few minutes talking with me.  As I walked off the bus, I felt like Queen for the day.

Well, now I am trying to start a business making hats.  My hats aren’t special alone.  They are special because Zac Brown wears them.  He made the simple idea of sending him a hat, grow into this great story.   Thank you Zac!" - DJ Windsor

I got in touch with DJ and had two beanies made last year - one for my favorite guy in Ohio State University colors for his birthday and one for my dad, of course, in Redskins colors!!  They both turned out wonderfully well and were great surprises!
DJ did not hesitate to donate two beanies all the way from Oklahoma for the Denny's Shotgun Riders fundraiser and I couldn't be more honored!

Check out her Southern Threads for Heads Facebook page. Thanks, DJ, you're the best!

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